21) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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“I thought you said you’d be right back, Melani…?” Justin furrowed his brow and Melani turned back into her seat properly to look at him.

“I, uh, huh. I guess I must’ve FORGOTTEN…” Melani burst into a fit of laughter, along with Imogen.

“Oh, I see how it is. Very funny Melody.” He scowled, and his heart broke. He at least wanted to get back together with her!

CHAPTER 21 (OH snaps! *dances* ...to the window, to the window, to the wall, to the wall...)

Justin sat down next to Melani and she frowned, about to cry.

‘Melody?’ Melani thought, and tears threatened to spill over her cheeks. She blinked them back.

“Look, I know what I did wasn’t cool, but at least I said your name right!” Melani’s eyebrows furrowed, and Justin turned in his seat to face her.

“You’re acting like a bitch. ‘I’ think you deserved it.” Justin spat, and Melani gasped, tears filling her eyes again.

“Well maybe you should’ve thought about how much it would hurt me before you say things, like when we were arguing the other day! I have trust issues now? And suddenly I’m on my period? Why would you say those things? I thought you loved me, not HATED me!”

“I do! I do love you, Melani! But i was scared that Emily would start agreeing with you, and she’d end up breaking Ryan’s heart! That’s happened before, Mels, he really doesn’t need it again... Remember? Em dumped him for Chaz?” Justin half-yelled at Melani and she looked down.

“I know you were just trying to protect Ryan, but I was trying to protect Emily... I hate it as much as you do when your friends are heartbroken.” Melani blinked back her tears and sniffled. The plane was almost at the Phillipines, so she didn’t have time to clean up her eyeliner if she started crying.

“Melly... Don’t cry...” Justin Frowned, and Melani bit her lip, trying as hard as she could to stop the tears from coming. “Melly, I love you.” Melani looked up and sniffled.

“You do? Still? After all this... After all my bitchiness?” She frowned.

“Yes. I do Mels, I love you. One little fight can’t stop that.” He gave her a cute lopsided smile and hugged her.

“I love you too, Justin...” She whispered over his shoulder. He pulled out of the hug, but kept his arms around her and kissed her.

AWWWWW!” Imogen squealed, and they both jumped.

OH! GOSH, Ims! I forgot you were there!” Melani laughed.

“Yeah, I noticed...” Imogen smirked and winked at Melani, her chin propped up in between Melani and Justin’s seats. Melani blushed and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

“I’m sorry about what I did to you, Justin... I really am...” Melani smiled apologetically and Justin shook his head.

“I’m over it.”

“Thanks...” Melani smiled at him, “For being such an understanding, amazing, non-grudge-holding boyfriend.” Justin’s mouth turned into a little ‘o’.


“Yeah, I want you to be my boyfriend again, Justin. I love you” Melani said, and Justin’s eyes lit up.

“I love you too, Melly.” Justin leaned in and kissed her again.

“Uhh, I think I’m looking at something I shouldn’t...” Imogen snickered.

“You’re STILL looking?” Justin mumbled and smiled before kissing Melani again.


“No, I still love you... Just... as a friend.” Chaz said hesitantly through the phone.

“Did she brain-wash you?! She couldn’t love you as much as I do!” Em retorted.

Yes, she does love me like you do! NO, wait! She loves me more!” Chaz was getting angry. Em didn’t get it!

“Oh, great! First my dad turns abusive, then mum runs off and sends me back to him, then, the moment I think somebody loves me, they find someone else!” Em yelled, and began crying into the phone. Chaz’s jaw dropped.


“I-I...” Em cried harder and hung up. Chaz dropped the phone in shock and Khloe looked up.

“Babe... What’s up?” Khloe’s eyebrows knitted together worriedly.

“It’s Em, H-her dad...”

“...Her dad...?”

“Is abusive. And her mum won’t take her back.” Chaz frowned and Khloe gasped.

“A-are you going to break up with me?” Khloe felt tears spring to her eyes, and Chaz’s head whipped around to look at her.

“What?! No! I’m not gonna break up with you! I love her, but as a friend! I love you as more than a friend, Khlo.” Chaz leapt into a hug and Khloe calmed down.

“I love you too Chaz...”


“I don’t know, Chaz. I mean, I don’t want her at her dad’s, but...”

“But what? She ruined us all last time? What?” Chaz felt like crying. Justin had to let Em come on tour with them again! Her dad’s house was not the ideal place for her to be.

“No... It’s just... Melani’s worried about Khloe. She won’t say anything, cause last time she did... y’now. We fought.”

“I’m not leaving Khloe, Justin. I love her as much as you do Melani.” Chaz’s eyes were filled with sincerity. Justin thought for a few moments. Em won’t make Chaz break up with Khlo, but what about Ryan and Emily? ...No, he could see how much Ryan loved Emily. He wouldn’t break her heart.

“...Okay.” Justin nodded and Chaz’s eyes lit up like a fat kid being given a lollipop.

“YAY!” Chaz jumped around happily, and Justin laughed.

“Sometimes I question your straight-ness, Chaz.” He joked.

“I... Don’t... Care!... Em’s... coming... with us!” Chaz said in between jumps.

“Are you sure you think of her only as a friend?”

“Yeaaahhhh!” Chaz stopped bounding, “A best friend, though!... I love Khloe as more, though JBiebs, you know that!” Chaz smiled.


...LOL, jokes ;)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now