18) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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AN: Okay, this chapter is gonna be mostly about Ryan and Emily, and Melani and Justin; I haven't really written too much about Ryan and Emily, and Melani and Justin don't have enough drama... BWAHAHA!


Ryan still didn't get it... Emily ran out crying when he was "dating" Khloe, and now she's ignoring him when he's seeing Maddie... He's not even dating Maddie! He's made it quite clear... And he knows Emily likes him, but that doesn't explain her ignoring him at the moment...Maybe she didn't believe him when he said he was only seeing Maddie as a friend... Suddenly, It came to him. He knew what to do.


Ryan burst into Emily's room.

"I love you, Emily!" He yelled, and saw Emily on her bed, reading a book. She closed the book and looked up in shock.


"You heard me. I LOVE you, Emily. I called up Maddie. I'm not seeing her anymore, and I swear, we were never actually dating. Just friends. Did I mention I loved you?"

"Yeah, you did... I... I love you too Ryan..." She smiled slowly, and he ran over to the bed and knelt down onto it, before taking her face between his hands and kissing her.


"It's about time..." Melani mumbled under her breath; she exactly didn't like Ryan after all this. He should've realised it earlier!

"Melani..." Justin said disapprovingly.

"Meeehhhhmmlllmmm" She protested, and shook herself as if something was on her shoulders.

"C'mon, Mels..." He said.

"Ugh, FINE. But that doesn't mean I approve!" She stated, and Ryan's eyebrows furrowed at her. The new happy couple had just announced their "Love" in front of everyone, and by the looks of things, Melani was the only one who didn't like it.

"Nyaw, I think it's cute..." Khloe smiled dreamily, and Melani rolled her eyes.

"CUTE. For REAL?! He's just gonna break her heart. AGAIN."

"HEY! No I won't! It's different now, I love her!" Ryan defended himself, and he and Emily gazed lovingly at each other, making Melani gag and splutter.

"At least PRETEND to be happy for us, Melani..." Emily frowned.


"What you did back there was not cool, Mels." Justin said, and he sat down on Melani's bed. Melani leaned back against the closed hotel door.

"Sorry if I don't trust your best friend..." She scowled, "I just don't like to see my best friend's heart being broken."

"He loves her now, Melani. It's not gonna happen again."

"You can't be sure of that."

"Do you have trust issues or something? It's different now! And I know his heart'll break if you try and tear them apart. Stay out of it, okay?"

"No, I DON'T have trust issues, and I wasn't gonna get myself into it anyway!"

"It sure looked like it..." Justin mumbled.

"Looks may be decieving, Bieber." Melani spat at him, and he knew he wasn't talking about herself.

"What are you tryna say?!" He yelled.

"...You know EXACTLY what I'm "tryna to say", Justin!" She yelled back, and she faked his accent when she quoted him.

"Not cool, Melani!" He glared at her.

"Turns out, neither are you! You aren't the great guy you seem to be, after all!" Justin's jaw dropped.

"YOU can talk! You can't even be happy when your supposed "Best friend" finally gets together with the guy she's in love with! What's WRONG with you?! Are you at your time of month or something?!"

"WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY?!" She glared at him with the most deadly look on her face, and steam was practically coming out of her ears.

"You heard me!" Justin stood up and walked up to her. "Get out of my way, Melani!" Melani grunted and stormed away from the door, and she heard it slam behind her.


AN: OoOoOohhhh... DRAMA! I think Melani and Justin seemed a little too... "we-get-along-all-the-time"-ish... And it seemed kinda fake... To me, anyway...

I hope you liked it, and don't hate Melani and I too much after this!

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now