2) Suddenly,Im dating Justin Bieber &...But tears ALWAYS follow me...

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Imogen smiled, overwhelmingly curious at who Melani had bumped into. Somebody from school? As long as it wasn't a teacher, it was cool with Imogen. She looked up from her phone to realize the people sitting in the armchairs were Melani and 3 guys. Melani looked up, spotted Imogen and started waving and smiling and squealing like an idiot. One of the boys looked at Imogen as well and her heart stopped.


'Is that…? No, it's probably just a REAL good look a-like.' Imogen thought as she walked cautiously towards them. Melani rolled her eyes at Imogen as the 2 other guys looked up. 'A real good look a-like with real good look a-like friends…' Imogen thought as she mentally questioned whether they were ACTUALLY Christian Beadles, Justin Bieber and Ryan Butler. Melani walked up and hugged Imogen tightly.

"I-Is-A-A-Are..." Imogen whispered, stuttering uncontrollably. Melani giggled quietly and let Imogen go.

"Yep, they're the real deal!" Melani beamed as Imogen freaked out. How could Melani be so calm? Imogen knew Melani had had a crush on Justin since he became famous, and so did Imogen, but Christian was so cute! Melani pulled Imogen over to her lounge chair and they shared the seat; the other seats were already taken up by Imogen's rent's and it made Imogen wonder.

"Where are your 'rents?" Imogen questioned.

"They bought a separate room for themselves and are already up there packing." Melani explained and Imogen frowned.

"My parents did the same, but we still have to take care of Emma." Imogen huffed.

"And Christie." Melani grimaced. Justin snorted and laughed.

"Well if I had to take care of my sister, I'd be a little less enthusiastic!" Justin said, making Christian chuckle and Ryan, who was immersed in his phone, huff.

"I bet cha' $15 Ry has a new girlfriend" Justin whispered to Melani and she smiled.

"You're on." She breathed, smirking. Justin leaned back casually and draped his elbow over the back of his chair.

"So, Ryan… Who-" Justin begun, but Ryan interrupted him.

"You owe Melani $15." He said, not even looking up from his texting. Justin huffed and pulled out his wallet, handing Melani $15. Melani smiled widely and Justin flashed a mocking smile at Melani, which looked like more of a grimace.

"So how old are you Imogen?" Christian asked, smiling at Imogen.

"F-Fourteen." She answered.

"Looks like SOMEONE has a little cru-u-ush!" Ryan laughed, dragging out the 'U'. Christian leaned back in his chair and looked dramatically off into the distance.

"I wouldn't blame her. I AM pretty hot." Justin leaned over Ryan, who was sitting between Justin and Christian, and slapped Christian on the back of his head.


"Don't you think it's funny that I sent you tickets because of your Twitition, and now we've bumped into each other at a hotel?" Justin asked Melani as they walked through the streets of Sydney.

"Mm hm, yeah, it's actually kinda weird." Melani chuckled. Justin looked dramatically at the blue, cloudless sky and made whistling wind-type noises with his mouth.

"Yes, it's like destiny is pulling us together!"… He joked, making Melani laugh.

Imogen and Christian were exploring the city too, but decided to go a different way. As for Ryan, he was back at the hotel, texting away. He wouldn't tell anyone who he was texting, all he would say is it wasn't much and if he told them they'd be disappointed because of the lack or 'interesting-ness'.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now