37) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"I... Felt like saying it..." Melani shrugged. "But seriously, thank you..."

"That's okay, Mels... Anything for you..." Justin kissed Melani, and she kissed back.

"Okay, but seriously. Quit buying me all this stuff. I feel bad." She pulled away suddenly and frowned at him.

"You SHOULDN'T! I like buying stuff for you... You're my shawty." Justin leant in and kissed Melani again, only this time the kiss was uninterrupted.



Christian flopped down on Imogen's and his bed, staring up at the roof.

"I'm BORED." He groaned. When Imogen didn't say anything, he sat up and looked around the room. He found her at the fridge, only just closing the door and turning around. When she did, her face held a colossal grin and wide crazy-eyes.

"I'M finding Red Bull..." She doubled over and was thrown into a huge giggling fit, holding her right hand away from herself; she was holding an open can of Red Bull. Christian's eyes lit up and he practically tackled the tiny bar fridge.

Ryan walked out of his hotel room and yawned. He wasn't a morning person. He looked at his watch and was taken aback. Okay, so he wasn't an AFTERNOON person, then. He didn't have much to do considering Emily was on the phone to her parents back in the hotel room. He walked down the hall and up to Chaz and Khloe's door. He was about to turn the doorknob, when he thought twice about it. Khloe and Chaz? Hotel room? ALONE?! ...GOD knows. And Ryan sure wanted to keep it that way. He walked up to Melani and Justin's door but stopped it his tracks when he noticed a note on the door.

'Out filming the Latin Girl video-thingy. -Melani xx' And in different handwriting:

'AND SMEXI BOY! XOXO!' In the first handwriting -Melani's- again:

'...He means Justin. ;)'

Ryan rolled his eyes. What about Christian and Im- His thoughts were interrupted by Christian and Imogen running down the hallway, screaming and laughing their heads off; barely even noticing Ryan. Ryan shook his head slowly and put his hands in his pockets. Maybe HE should call his parents, too...

"And... Cut! ...Nice work guys! We're finito!" Alfredo threw his hands in the air and clapped.

"Well, SOMEBODY'S happy to be finished..." Melani mumbled, low enough for only Justin to hear. Justin snickered.

"Let's go out to a restaurant for lunch, to celebrate." Justin smiled.

"First, lemme get this gunky foundation crap off of my face. It's hard work being Latin..." Melani and Justin laughed.

When Melani had cleaned her face, she walked back to Justin, who was sitting on one of the stone park benches, waiting patiently. He was on his blackberry-

'Probably tweeting...' Melani thought, mentally shrugging it off. She sat next to him and tried to look over his shoulder at what he was typing, but he leaned away so she couldn't see; his eyes not looking away from his phone the whole time.

"Nuh Uh. My twitter. Go check what I'm tweeting on your own account." Justin poked his tongue out and blew a raspberry childishly, still not looking away from his phone.

"But I don't HAVE a twiter..." Melani crossed her arms and huffed.

"Say WHAT?! No twitter?!" Justin finally looked away from his phone to stare at Melani in shock, before his face twisted itself into his famous Bieber smile. "My gosh, Melly. I can't WAIT 'till the video comes out; you look SO different with the makeup on..." Justin chuckled.

"Aw, great. I wanna see it NOW, no thanks to you." Melani poked her tongue out and a lightbulb practically appeared on Justin's head.

"I guess you'll just have to wait 'till I post it on YouTube..." He sighed dramatically.

"Ugh. Whatever." Melani rolled her eyes and crossed her arms again. Justin chuckled and hugged her waist from the side.

"Sorry, babe. I can't help that I'm an evil genius." He winked at Melani and she snorted.

"Look, I'll let you get away with 'Smexi boy' and 'Prankster', but you are NOT an evil genius." Melani smirked and Justin poked her in the side playfully.

"Weren't we gonna go out for lunch?"

"Yeah, I believe we were... But where the heck can we go? I don't speak Italian. You don't speak Italian. We're doomed to starvation!" Melani squealed dramatically and she and Justin laughed.

"Fine. We'll order room service back at the hotel, then." Justin chuckled and whisked Melani up and carried her Bridal style.

"What are you doing?" Melani asked with dangerously wide eyes.

"Carrying my shawty AWWL the way back to the car." Justin winked down at Melani.

"You mean the tour bus..."

"Aww... Damn it, no kisses for Smexi boy?!" Justin frowned.

"NOP." Kenny suddenly appeared next to Justin, as if he had been there the whole time; making Justin jump and Melani cling to his shirt for dear life.

"What the heck, Kenny?!" Melani and Justin said at the same time. Kenny's laughter boomed throughout the park. And possibly the country.

"THAT, was funny." Kenny wiped a tear from the corner from his right eye as his laughter began to slowly die down.

"It wasn't that funny, Kenny." Two of Justin's AH-mazing backup dancers appeared behind Kenny, Justin and Melani.

"MMKAY, how long has HALF THE POPULATION of the ENTIRE COUNTRY been walking with us?! This is kinda embarrassing...!" Melani whined.

"It's not THAT embarrassing,...?" One of the backup dancers said.

"Melani." Justin said over his shoulder, before Melani pulled his face back so he was looking forward.

"Sorry, Bieber, but I don't exactly want 'Death by pole' on my gravestone."

"Oh, Melly, it's okay... We could always CREMATE you..." Justin said cheekishly, earning him a slap on the shoulder from Melani.

"Just watch where you're going, kay?" Melani chuckled.



I've been writing a LOT lately...

Yep. I'm addicted to writing this. WHO IS HAPPY, MY SMEXI-O MINIONS?! :D

...I am. :*)


(No Maple syrup! ...LOL, JKS, Justin's Canadian; of course there's Maple Syrup! ...there's no homo. ...BEHEHEHEEEH!)

PS: No offense to Canadians intended. Canada has smexi people 'dere.

PPS: So does YOUR country... Yes, YOU, my smexi minion. ;) HAHAHAHAHAHA!

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now