19) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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RECAP: "YOU can talk! You can't even be happy when your supposed "Best friend" finally gets together with the guy she's in love with! What's WRONG with you?! Are you at your time of month or something?!"

"WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY?!" She glared at him with the most deadly look on her face, and steam was practically coming out of her ears.

"You heard me!" Justin stood up and walked up to her. "Get out of my way, Melani!" Melani grunted and stormed away from the door, and she heard it slam behind her.


CHAPTER 19 (ALREADY?! Wow... My longest story yet!)

"7 Minutes in heaven." Khloe smiled evilly and shot a look at Chaz.

"Aight, who votes for 7 minutes in heaven?" Ryan half-yelled to everyone, who were gathered in Justin's bedroom, waiting for Justin's driver to drive them to the airport. They had travelled through Indonesia and Malaysia, and were now on their way to the Philippines.

Everyone except Melani and Justin raised their hands. Eventually, Melani grunted and thrust her palm into the air.

"ONLY If I don't have to go with HIM." She whipped her head around and glared at Justin, as if she was purposely making him jealous. Justin rolled his eyes, despite jealousy boiling deep in his stomach.

"7 minutes it is!" Khloe squealed and grabbed an empty bottle from Justin's desk. "Into a circle, guys!" Everyone obeyed her and sat around the bottle, watching as she spun it. After about 10 seconds, it came to a stop halfway between Chaz and Ryan. Khloe leaned forward and blew it so it landed on Chaz. Chaz looked at her before grabbing her hand and they both stood up.

"Don't mind if I do..." Chaz chuckled and laughed at Khloe.

(AN: Don't freak out guys, no R-Rated stuff is coming up... It would be illegal, anyway... o.0 ...LOL)

The whole crew turned away from them awkwardly. Even though they weren't in the closet yet, it still seemed weird to be looking at them.

Chaz wrapped his arm around Khloe's waist and they walked into the closet, shutting the door behind them. Khloe leaned in and began kissing Chaz. He practically melted in her arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and she had to stand on her tippy-toes to reach him.

'Damn he's tall!' Khloe thought, 'That's HOT...'

(AN: LOL Khloe is FUNNY, ain't she? XD) (Bahaha! Paris Hilton reference! XP)

They kissed for a few more seconds before Chaz slid his toungue into Khloe's mouth. About two seconds later, there was a knock at the door.

"Aight, lovers! Time's up!" Ryan yelled. Huh. It felt like not even a minute had past.

"Time flys when you're having fun, ayy?" Chaz winked at Khloe and she slapped his shoulder playfully. They walked out of the closet and joined the circle.

(AN: Imma just skip the bottle-turning, I'm sure it's like, totally entertaining and stuff when I explain what a turning bottle looks like -_-... hahaha!)

Justin and Melani were up next.

"WHAT?! NO! I'm not gonna do it!" Melani screeched. Khloe glared at her, and Chaz saw, so he picked Melani up bridal-style and took her kicking and screaming to the closet.

"That doesn't mean I'M going in there! Look at her! She's NUTS!" Justin spat. Ryan jumped up and -with the help of Christian- dragged Justin and the three boys forced Melani and Justin into the closet.

Melani groaned and looked at her watch. She watched the hand move three little spots; three seconds that felt like three hours.

"I'm not gonna ki-" Justin started, but Melani interrupted him.

"-Didn't want you to." She didn't look up from her watch, but when she did, she saw Justin with an indifferent expression, staring at Melani's lips.

Justin wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't back down.

'Angry, be ANGRY... It's so hard to be mad at her... UGH... she's so hot...' Justin thought. He looked back up at Melani's eyes only to see she was looking straight at him.

Caught in the act! ...Well, technically in the 'thought'...

"I know you want to kiss me, Bieber." Melani narrowed her eyes mockingly at Justin.

"Pfft, No..."

"Pfft-yeah. ...You know it." She smirked.

"Whatever. Doesn't mean I'm gonna." Justin rolled his eyes and Melani laughed.

"SURE, Biebsy... Whatever lets you sleep at night..." Melani chuckled to herself. Justin knew it was true; he couldn't help it. He was alone with her, in a small space. He gulped, trying to hold himself back. He got butterflies in his stomach and his feet moved automatically. He stepped towards Melani and before he knew it, he was kissing her.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now