3/Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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Ryan just couldn't stop tweeting Emily. She was so funny! And the hotel had free Wi-Fi. Ryan would have to come here again sometime! The others were so curious as to what he was doing on his phone; technically Emily wasn't his girlfriend. Yet.

Emily couldn't believe her luck! She was talking to RYAN BUTLER! He was so cute! Secretly, she thought he was more attractive than Justin. If she told anyone, she knew she'd never see the sun rise again. She was on her little pink laptop and was ignoring her annoying little sister. "Emily! Just put it in the bin for me already!" Emily smiled as another direct message from Ryan came up on her screen. "Emily!" Isabel screeched; Emily was determined to ignore her for the rest of the time that her family was at the cafe. Never has free Wi-Fi looked so good! Her mum groaned. "Isabel, stop bossing your sister around and put your rubbish in the bin yourself." "But with her there, I can't even get off the seat!" Emily stood up from her seat on the edge of the booth and looked at her sister expectantly. Isabel leaned over and looked at the screen on Emily's laptop and gaped. "How did YOU get Ryan Butler to send you Justin Bieber tickets?!" Isabel asked in disbelief. Emily's eyes widened as she rushed to see what was on the screen of her laptop. Sure enough, Ryan had DM'ed Emily claiming to have sent her 2 tickets and meet & greet passes in the express mail. Emily squealed happily, making the whole room stare at her and her family. "Oh. my. GOD!"

Imogen sat across from Christian at Mc Donald's while they ate their big mac meals. "God am I glad Mc Donald's is a worldwide corporation!" Christian beamed; he had been craving the big mac 'special sauce' since the plane had landed in the Sydney airport. Imogen laughed. "Same, Macca's is awesome! I don't know where the world would be without it!" she smiled and took another bite out of her burger. Christian smiled back. "I'm glad we got to meet, Im. You're really cute you know that?" He said, making Imogen blush. "Thanks." she smiled again, "You weren't lying before about how hot you were." She complimented him. Christian's eyes shone and he smiled even wider. "I'm glad we get to spend the next day or two in the same hotel. But don't worry, I'll tweet you and email you heaps when the crew and I continue the tour" Christian shoved a handful of fries into his mouth. "You're glad about a lot of things aren't you?" She said, "That reminds me, where's Chaz?" Christian finished chewing his mouthful of fries and swallowed it before talking, "He went out for the day, he'll be back at about 6pm" He looked at his watch, "In about an hour. Why?" He questioned. "My friend Emily LOVES him, she has a huge crush. It's funny really; Melani has a crush on Justin, my friend Emily on Ryan, Khloe on Chaz, and me on you!" She answered and Christian smiled hugely. Imogen gasped and blushed when she realized what she said. Christian chuckled quietly and leaned over the table to kiss her.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now