32) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Ugh... Forgot to ask for no pickles..." he breathed. He pulled the top off and began picking them off, putting them in the inside of the burger box lid.

"OOH! yummy!" Melani squealed, and began picking them out of the lid and popping them into her mouth. Justin laughed and put the remaining pickles into her hand instead of the lid.

Em looked around and saw someone that made her drop her fry.


Her mother. What the hell was SHE doing here?! In ITALY?! As if to answer her question, an Italian man wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the line, before pecking her on the cheek. Tears welled up in Em's eyes as she saw two girls, under the age of three, run up to her and call her 'Momma'. Em looked down at her fries and let her hair hide her face like a curtain. After a few moments, she broke into sobbing, and Melani looked at her, shocked.

"What's up, Em?" Melani's eyes grew wide as she saw tears hitting the table.

"Sh-She doesn't want ME, but she wants THEM..." She nodded her head in their direction, "Whats wrong with me...?"

"Nothings wrong with you, Em! She just doesnt see what she's missing out on! Maybe, just maybe, your dad made her say she didn't want you." Melani frowned.

"Why would he do that...?" she croaked.

"...Well, how did you feel after she said she didn't want you?"

"Worthless; like no one would ever want me..."

"Exactly. After that, did you fight back when he hurt you?" Melani placed a hand on Em's shoulder and Em let out a loud sob, catching the attention of the whole table. 'I got it.' Melani mouthed, and they all went back to what they were doing, but looked over at Em and Melani every now and then.

"No..." she sobbed loudly again, and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"That would be why. Now, chin up; Your mum might see you and realize what a HUGE mistake she's made." Melani wiped Em's tears away, and Em did what Melani told her to do.

They continued eating and when Em's mum reached the front of the line, she caught sight of Em. She gasped and whispered something to her (husband), before slowly walking over to the table Em and her new friends were sitting at.

Em saw her mum approaching the table and her face paled in shock.

"Emie? ...Is that you?" Em's mum's eyebrows furrowed and she took a moveable seat from another -empty- table and moved it to sit next to Em.


"...Hey, sweetie..." Em's mum smiled nervously. "look, I-"

"Don't. I... Dad told you to tell me you didn't want me anymore, didn't he?" Em swiveled her chair to look at her mum front on, and tears welled up in her mum's eyes.

"Yes, he did..." she looked down at her lap, "...But he's gone now, and I want you to know that.. That I never stopped loving you. Even when I married Rick. Even when I had the twins, Chloe and Madison."

"Where have I heard THOSE names before...?" Melani whispered under her breath.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Em stuttered.

"...Come live with us."


Em packed her last jacket into her suitcase and zipped it up. She looked up at Chaz and he wiped a tear away from her eye.

"Thankyou for EVERYTHING, Chaz. Tell Justin I said thanks to him, too... And give him a huge hug for me." She gave Chaz a huge hug, and he thought his circulation was being cut off because it was so tight. "Like that one."

"I'll miss you, Em... I'm so sorry for what I did to you befo-"

"No, you love Khloe. It doesn't take an idiot to see that, Chaz."

"Thanks Em... I really will miss you." he sighed.

"I'll miss you too... I'll text you and email you heaps, Kay?"

"you bet." Chaz hugged Em super tight, just like she had hugged him.

"Tell everyone I said bye... Oh, and thank Melani, too... Ah, heck, thank everyone for me."


Em took her suitcases and walked out of her room, stepping into the already open elevator. Just her luck.


The crew was all gathered in Khloe and Chaz's room, trying to cheer him up,.

"How'd she get to 'er mom's?" Kenny asked.

"Cab." Chaz sighed and put his face in his hands. He was sitting on the couch in his room.

"Oh, she'll be fine, Chaz. Plus, she DID say she'd email you heaps, didn't she?" Khloe power-walked across the room and tugged on his elbow as if to ask him to get up. He took his face out of his hands and wrapped his arms around Khloe's waist, before nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Yeah... I love you, Khloe." He whispered, and Khloe smiled over his shoulder.

"I love you too." she whispered and hugged him tighter.


AN: I decided we needed a little more drama. But fights... Too cliqued at the moment. AT THE MOMENT. I MIGHT have one or two later on, but either way, don't hold your breath.

...LMAO. :*3

Love y'all! (No sumos, homos, or pineapples. Okay, maybe a pineapple... Or seventy...:3)

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