4) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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___Morning of the concert; 5:00 AM___

"Ugh, do you HAVE to make the alarm go off this early?!" Jade, Melani's sister, shrieked over the alarm on Melani's phone. "Yep!" Melani said, jumping up from her bed hyper-actively. No WAY was she gonna be late for the concert! The concert started at 8 am, but Imogen and her were going earlier because all the guys wanted to hang out backstage for a few hours. Justin thought Melani's accent was really funny, but she just thought his was hot, so she wanted to hear him talk as much as possible before he leaves again. "OMG! Melani, check this out!" Imogen squealed, holding her phone out towards Melani. Emma and Jade groaned and mumbled angrily as Melani power-walked over to where Imogen was standing. Emily had sent Imogen a text, 'Hey guys guess wat?! RButler was dm-ing me and he sent me 2 concrt tix & M&G passes! Taking Khloe--we'll C u's thr! Xx' Melani squealed and jumped about excitedly.

___At the concert; 2 hrs early, Backstage___

"Ryan, quit it!" Melani heard a strangely familiar voice backstage with the guys. Khloe. She pushed open the door to reveal Justin's crew, Khloe and Emily all together chatting and mucking up. Melani smiled at Justin and he beamed when he saw her.

___After the concert; at meet and greet (Writers block :p, so I skipped the concert)___

Melani sat down with the crew in the room where Justin was 'meeting and greeting' all of his fans. She, Imogen, Emily and Khloe gave their tickets to some hysterical fans outside; they had all already met Justin, so they didn't need them. A few of the fans in the room kept looking at Melani funnily, which creeped her out a bit. She picked up a random magazine she had found lying about and flicked through the pages until she found a random picture of Justin. She opened the magazine wider to see another picture, this time of Christian and Imogen kissing. Imogen had made it pretty well known she and Christian had kissed earlier, but what really bothered her was also a picture of her and Justin kissing. 'OMG! No! Nobody was meant to know about that kiss! I didn't see any paparazzi!' Melani thought hysterically. She got up and tapped Justin on the shoulder. "Justin, you may wanna see this.." she said, handing him the open magazine and grimacing, scared of his reaction.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now