33) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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The crew was all gathered in Khloe and Chaz's room, trying to cheer him up,.

"How'd she get to 'er mom's?" Kenny asked.

"Cab." Chaz sighed and put his face in his hands. He was sitting on the couch in his room.

"Oh, she'll be fine, Chaz. Plus, she DID say she'd email you heaps, didn't she?" Khloe power-walked across the room and tugged on his elbow as if to ask him to get up. He took his face out of his hands and wrapped his arms around Khloe's waist, before nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Yeah... I love you, Khloe." He whispered, and Khloe smiled over his shoulder.

"I love you too." she whispered and hugged him tighter.

CHAPTER 662966:

...Jokes, jokes! ...Maybe one day though...




Everyone eventually went to their own rooms; leaving Chaz and Khloe alone.

"Did I mention I loved you? Cause I do..." Chaz smiled at Khloe and her heart melted. Not that it made any difference; it had been melted for months now.

"Yes, you did... Did I mention that I loved you back?"

"Yeps. ...Did I mention exactly HOW much I loved you?"

"Not EXACTLY..." Khloe chuckled and winked at Chaz.

"Well, in that case... I'd do anything for you... I'd kill anyone for you..."

"Well, the killing isn't ideal... But I'd never look at another guy again if you asked..."

"Really?" Chaz raised an eyebrow and Khloe rolled her eyes.

"Dude, it's impossible..."

"Right... Well, back to what we were saying... I'd... Marry you." Chaz blushed and Khloe's eyes widened.

"For real? ...I mean, I sorta got a little hint back in India... When we saw that TOTALLY adorable kid, but... Really?"

"Yeah... I wanna marry you someday, Khloe Quinn." Chaz looked Khloe straight in the eye and... Yep. Khloe's heart had OFFICIALLY evaporated.

"I-I wanna marry you too, Chaz S-Somers..." She squeaked. Khloe blushed and nervously pushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, looking down at the carpet. They were sitting on the edge of the bed, both angled towards each other. Chaz lifted one finger and lifted Khloe's chin, looking into her eyes lovingly for what felt like hours... Or seconds... It didn't matter to Khloe. Chaz leaned in and ever-so-slowly pressed his lips to Khloe's. Her heart was TOTALLY and COMPLETELY gone... But this time, Chaz had it. As soon as Khloe felt Chaz's lips touch her own it felt as if time stopped. I mean, she LOVED kissing him before, but now... She knew one day, she'd be engaged to him. Then, further on in the future, married.

"...Mrs. Khloe Somers..." Chaz and Khloe both mumbled at the same time, soon afterwards returning to kissing.

"I'm bored." Emily frowned.

Ryan sat on the kitchen counter next to her. It was a tight squeeze, seeing as though they WERE in a hotel...

"Same. Everyone else is just making out all the time... Maybe..." Ryan started, but Emily finished his sentence.

"Prank them?!" She grinned psychotically.

"...Um, yeah. That." he laughed nervously and Emily giggled evilly, completely clueless.


Ryan had to admit, even SETTING UP pranks was fun.

'What a sad life...' Ryan thought, '...At least I've got Emily...' He smiled at Emily's back as they tip-toed down the silent hall.



I know, I know. Shorter than the others. But I wanted to... Y'now... Add like... A sorta... Cliffhanger...? No... That can't be right. At all.

But last time I put pranks in here, I got pretty good feedback in the comments section. (about that:- don't forget to vote and comment!) so I'm guessing a few seconds ago, you were sitting, standing, laying, jumping, swimming, falling or calmly-on-fire there, feelin' pretty excited about the prank (war...? >:D) coming up. Then I interrupted it because I have no life.

I MEAN- my mum made me.

...I MEAN- Miley Cyrus said I had to.

...yeah, that.


Who remembers the "annoying frog"? THAT WAS FUNNY SHIZUOKA.

My nine year old sister has the "Crazy frog Racer" on Nintendo DS. ...I bet the dude who was the voice for him is slumped in a couch somewhere, surrounded by prostitutes and bottles of expensive beer. And also surrounded by a beer gut... Unless he has a gym membership... IDK why I think that... I just seems like he would of earnt quite a bit of money... LOL. I used to love that friggen thing. Like I said...


LOURVE y'all! (No sumo, no Homo, no Hobo... Thanks to Bieber, who's song 'Pray' inspired many to give to homeless people...)

Justin Bieber, the swagmen thank you.*


PPS: The name "Rolf Harris" is strangely close to 'ROFL Hairies!" LMFAO!

PPPS: No offense, Rolf's mum... No offense.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now