61) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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One by one everybody ran towards their parents, except for Khloe and I; we were being picked up by her older sister Madelena. Who was late. As usual. She hated us, pretty much. I didn’t wanna deal with her right now, but I guess I had no choice, seeing as though nobody from my own family could be bothered to pick me up… Okay, so they were at work, and Christie was at school, so mum asked Khloe’s mum to pick me up. Who asked Madelena to pick us up. Who would pick us up. Eventually. The stewardesses told us to take a seat and the -red headed- one who greeted us when we walked onto the plane left because she had some appointment or something. Liar. I looked at the blonde chick as she rolled her eyes behind red-head’s back, and my gaze drifted to her name tag, which read “Keri”. Sweet. Better than calling her ‘the blonde one’, I guess.







“You’re late, Lena.” Khloe grumbled as Madelena turned out of the airport carpark.

“And you were lucky I even came.” Madelena glared at Khloe for a second in the review mirror before focusing on the road again.

“More like your boyfriend was lucky you came. It was this or grounded, Lena.”

“Stop calling me Lena. And shut up.”

“Whatever.” Khloe rolled her eyes, looked towards me and whispered, “She’s just jealous because we’re dating celebrities and she’s stuck with some dude who works in Kmart.

“I said shut up! …And Chad isn’t famous, Khloe, I don’t even know who he is. And I know everybody.” Madelena retorted and grumbled to herself quietly while I frowned.

“I don’t know, Khloe. I have a bad, bad feeling about this.” My brow furrowed and Khloe looked at me with a confused expression.

“But… You and Justin are like, tight as… Melani, you’ll both be fine.

“…I hope so…” I trailed quietly, and looked out the window at the heavy rain on the motorway.




“Bye, Khloe! Love you like a sis!” I waved to Khloe and walked down the stairs on her front yard. I only lived a few blocks away, so I was able to walk home. I shuddered in the cold and looked around. It was about twilight, but we lived in a pretty safe suburb, so I was able to walk home safely, dragging my heavy bags behind me, and a purple fake-leather handbag I got from the day of shopping in Italy hanging from my shoulder. I got home in almost fifteen minutes flat, and the door was opened almost immediately. My mum and dad pretty much attacked me in hugs, like Khloe’s parents did.

“We missed you!” Mum hugged me tighter, and then both she and my dad let go.

“I missed you guys too…” I smiled and they took my bags. We all walked inside the warm house and we put my bags down in front of my room. They’re gonna be fun to unpack… Mum and dad walked into the family room smiling like crazy.

“So, what was it like being a groupie?” Mum laughed, and I rolled my eyes.





AN: Okay, so I maybe kinda possibly might wanna finish this season on chapter 69. ….No reason. O.o


I am having a little hard time thinking of things to fill in the time, because I already know exactly where I’ll be starting the next season.


And just so you know, there’s gonna be a pretty big time travel in there; between seasons.

So prepare.

And prepare for @runawaylovexox’s character.

And Selena… Again. >:)

This Season was preee dramatic, so, so will the next one be also. >:D


I love y’all!

(No homo!)



PS: Guys, I have been SO SLACK with uploading!! OMBB I am so sorry! :P gahhh! ):

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now