14) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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AN: I've gotten two or three new readers! Hooray! Love ALL my readers; new ones and older ones ;)

..And yeah, you know I mean "(No homo)", LOL. I say that a heap nowadays... :)

Kiddies, tell yer fwiends bout deh storieee and I'll.... Have more inspiration to upload...? LOL I dunno....

...But It's true, The more readers I have liking the story, the more I'll wanna upload. So tell your friends. Christian says so ----->.


_*-RaNdOm EviL mOmEnT-*_

Anyone got any story name ideas? I'm thinking "I love you Biebs, but my tears are still your fault..."

..Not COMPLETELY set on it, though... Who wants to convince me otherwise? *wiggles eyebrows*



Imogen felt more heartbroken than before. HOW does he do that?! He can cheat on her, and still play with her heartstrings, make her stomach drop and fill her with sadness. Or anger...

And the only way to get revenge...


...Or just call your prankster bestie for prank ideas...

Christian went back into his room with tears in his eyes. No one could make him cry... Except Imogen. He LOVED her SO much. And yet she avoided him, denied his love for her, shoved peanut butter in his bed sheets and slapped tomato ketchup on his doorknob.

Yeah, that's right. He knew it was she.

(AN: LMAO Microsoft word told me I couldn't say 'Her'. So they made me swap it for 'She'. HAHA! ...Okay, they didn't MAKE me... LOL)

But he loves her, so he forgave her without even wanting an apology.

(AN: Sorry for all the annoying interruptions, but if we think Christian is HOT now...

How we gon' think of him when he takes off his braces? ...*DROOL*)

He grabbed his pillow from his bed and one of the blankets the peanut butter didn't get to, and set up a bed on the couch. He lay down and got comfortable, just as the tears started pouring from his eyes.


Imogen laughed uncontrollably.

"Mason, you are EVIL, girl!" Yeah, Mason is a girl...

And she's short... but deadly...

"I know..." Mason giggled through the phone line.

"I can practically FEEL you flipping your hair right now!" Imogen laughed.

"HEY! I gave you the prank of the century! I "Practically" have bragging rights now!" The girls laughed together.

"Mmkay, mmkay, you got me..." Imogen snickered, "Gotta go and set this one up, see ya!"

"WHEN?! I miss you Ims! WHEN are you coming back?! I'm LONERED!"

"BAH! You have Maddie, Jojo, Nicole AND Monique! You don't need me THAT much!"


"I think... a year? I don't know, but it's a pretty long tour y'now..."

"Where are you now? OH! Right! You need to go before your boyfriend gets back! See you! DON'T forget to text, or I'll whoop your white-girl ass!"

"Mason... You're white too..." Imogen snickered.

"You know what I mean!"

"Yeah, yeah... Bye May!"

"Byez!" Imogen hung up and set up her next prank. She had already bought everything she needed while she was on the phone to Mason. She checked over what she had and when she was satisfied she had everything, she walked it all to Christian's hotel room. Thanks to the fact the hotel rooms had rope-pull-switches instead of flicky-button-things, this prank would work like a charm. Once she had finished she ran back to her room and grabbed her camcorder. This prank deserved youtube fame... >XD


AN: LOL Guys, I learnt how to tie a tie for halloween! (My costume is a nerd, haha!)


I watched it a few times and if you pause it every now and then as you're doing the tie up, you learn pretty quick! :)

What's everyone going as for halloween? (Please comment and tell me, I'm UBER curious, LMAO!) xx Love y'all! (no homo!) <-----That's been said by me so often, I swear it's like a trademark now... HAHA! ;)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now