23) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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“Hello? Do you speak English?” Imogen asked politely.
“Not well. Can help you?” She responded with a sheepish grin. A beautiful Hindi woman walked out from between two racks of clothing.
“I will help you out, I can speak Hindi and English. I am Aishwarya Rai.” She smiled and Emily gasped.
“Oh my gosh, you were Miss World 1994! And you were a brand ambassador for L’Oreal!” The rest of the girls giggled and Aishwarya Rai smiled.
“Yes, I was.” She chuckled, “What did you want to ask her?”
“I was wondering what the price was of the orange Saree on the mannequin over there was...?” Imogen asked and Aishwarya Rai spoke to the lady in Hindi for a few moments.
“She says it’s US$219.50.” She smiled friendlily.
“Hmm... Oh hell, that Saree is so worth it!” Imogen grinned from ear to ear.


Aishwarya Rai tagged along with the group for the day, and Imogen bought the orange Saree. Aishwarya Rai translated everyone's Hindi to English, and they had all become pretty good friends. Melani looked left and right at the shop windows, looking for a Saree she liked. She needed one before sunset, in two hours, because she wanted a decent night's sleep in preparation for the next day. Tomorrow was going to be HUGE! She spied a window with an red Saree and a black one. Her eyes widened at the black Saree; it had gold embroidery at the top and on the arms.
"Hey, Aishwarya Rai, girls! Check THAT ONE out!" Melani smiled as the others turned and gasped. Khloe turned abruptly back to Melani and looked her in the eye.
"I want the red one." The look on her face made Melani laugh.
"I want the black one, anyway."
"Thank god..." Khloe sighed in relief, gripping at her chest. The crew walked in and Aishwarya Rai talked to the shopkeeper in Hindi, like the last few.
"They're both the same price as Imogen's." Aishwarya Rai turned and smiled. Khloe and Melani squealed excitedly before getting a fitting to see what size they needed, and then bought the Saree's.
As the girls were walking out, Aishwarya turned to Emily.
"Do you girls have bags already? And shoes? If you don't, the place across the road is one of my favorite shoe stores, and further down the road is a store that sells great bags...?" She wondered, and Melani gasped.
"Bags! Shoes!" The girls laughed and walked across the road to the shoe store. When they entered, Emily raced to a shelf abruptly, having already found the perfect shoes. They were silver flats, and they crossed over around her leg in thick, silver ribbon, stopping just below her kneecap, before they tied up behind her leg in a silver bow. The straps were around a centimetre wide.
"Mine. Don't even look at them." Emily said, scooping the shoes up and covering them with her arms, clutching them to her chest. She had already checked the size, and it was hers. The girls laughed at Emily's eagerness.
"Gotcha, doll." Melani snickered along with the rest of the girls.
"She likes her shoes." Aishwarya Rai giggled.
"Yep." Emily's eyes grew wide and she grinned hyperactively, hugging the shoes even closer. Soon the girls had all bought their own shoes; Khloe bought a matte red version of Emily's, Melani got a pair of bejeweled black flip flops, Em got a pair of basic light-pink ballet flats and Imogen got a pair of gold Gladiator sandals.

Justin looked through the racks. The guys were all in an Indian shop that specialized in formal men's wear. He had found his outfit, and so had everyone else. Except for Chaz. If he wasn't dating Khloe, he'd think he was gay.
'Nyah, he isn't gay.' Justin thought, and chuckled to himself. He wrapped his hand around a random hanger, pulling it off the rack and holding it in the air.
"THIS one, Chaz-ina?" he said nonchalantly. Chaz perked up and his eyes widened. He ran over to Justin and practically ripped it out of his hands. Justin looked at what he had pulled out, wondering what he could've possibly pulled off the rack that was so amazing. It wasn't actually half bad.
"Okaaay, Chaz-son Cresley. Go try it on, and keep your diva-ful self AWAY from the straight people." Justin snorted.
"Oh, HILARIOUS, Bieber." Chaz gave a sarcastic laugh before running -like the idiot-boy he is- to the change rooms, almost whacking into a wall. The boys snickered at him and he poked his tongue out over his shoulder before heading over a little more calmly. After about three minutes, Chaz emerged from the change rooms in a red Sherwani. He looked pretty good... in a bro kind of way, of course.

(AN: LOL...XD)

Melani watched as Emily looked through the racks, holding up her new shoes against every other Saree. Emily's face abruptly pulled itself into a grin wider than the black hole of Culcuta. Well, almost...
She pulled a green Saree off the rack and placed it against herself, looking over at the girls with a questioning look.
"Oh my gosh, Emily! You NEED to buy that!" Em squealed.
"Then this is the one!" Emily giggled and went over to the counter with Aishwarya Rai to get it fitted. Meanwhile, Em walked up to the rack Emily was at and she picked out a Saree almost immediately.

Sorry for the temporarily disappearance... Please don’t stop reading... :’(
My mum kicked me off the computer for over a week, so... Don’t... blame me...? :(

….About the part where I say that Justin would think Chaz was gay if he wasn’t dating Khloe, is a joke, and no, he isn’t gonna all of a sudden come out of the closet :) He loves Khlo, ‘member? ;)

---Note to the REAL Khloe Quinn:----

Remember what we talked about in Religion? Well, the little things’ll come soon, I just need to finish the trip, and put them through a couple of days of school. Okay, MAYBE not the school, but... need to finish the trip for sure. :) Then I can “flash-forward” to it, or whatever or something. :) *Grins and says through teeth* I’m not making any sense, am I? :/ LOL Latersss. x

Love yall! (no homo!) x

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