43) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and...

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“I’m fourteen in June…” I bit my lip and looked up at him nervously.




Justin chuckled and shook his head slowly.

“Melani, that’s only like, just over 4 years…”  he chuckled again and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was even holding.

“Yeah, I guess… But I just thought that… Well, it’s just another thing your mum and your dad and your whole family will have to think about…” I looked down at the purple Supras Justin gave me… Have I even taken these off since he gave them to me? …Other than while I’m sleeping, I actually haven’t… Whoah. My Converses are being neglected.

“Melly, you don’t have to worry what they think; Whether they love you or not, I always will.” He pulled me in for a hug, pressing his lips to the top of my head and lingering there, savouring the moment. I didn’t give a rat’s how long we were there; I just cared that we WERE there. I breathed in through my nose and smelt Justin’s familiar cologne which, luckily, wasn’t too strong. I hated strong cologne. Eww. But Justin’s was just… Calming… Like, it gave me the feeling you get when you finally get home after a long-ass holiday. And it was addictive. And any home sickness I had was temporarily forgotten, any stress about his family was washed away for that small moment we were this close. He pulled away and I caught myself frowning. I quickly plastered on a smile, but then found it to be genuine anyway.

“You smell good.” I muttered, still partially in my little daze.

“Thanks, babe.” He winked and chuckled, “You smell pretty amazing yourself.”

“…I love you…” I breathed and sighed, practically melting in his chocolatey gaze. Mmm, chocolate…

“I love you too, Melly.” He smiled and his eyes shone, making them look like melted chocolate. We should go before I attempt to eat his eyes… Gosh, do I crave Freddo frogs!

“We should probably go…” I smiled back, swinging the… um… keys? Remote? Ugh. The thing. I swung the ‘Thing’ once, readying him to catch it, even though he was barely a foot away from me. I threw it gently and he caught it in two clasped hands before leaning forward to kiss me on the forehead. He swivelled around and grabbed a hold of the passenger door once again, gesturing for me to get in with hand and bowing like a posh royal butler. I curtsied and slid in. When I pulled my legs in, he shut the door with a gentle thud. Before he even made if halfway past the front of the car, he stumbled clumsily over one of the pots. I snickered as he frustratedly tore it off and left it on the ground. I watched as he thought for a second, and did the same for the rest of the pots. He walked around the rest of the way to the driver’s side and let himself in.

“What were we getting again?” Justin grimaced and rubbed at his ankle, wincing when he felt pain. 

“I don’t actually remember… Is your foot okay?”

“Yeah, just a little sore. I’m okay now.” He turned towards me and gave me a lopsided smile. “We should go see a movie.” He pulled up the other side of his mouth in a fully-fledged Bieber smile and I returned it.

“Sure-“ He begun to turn back around, but I caught his shoulder, “-But I think we don’t hang out with the others enough – Let’s invite them.”

“Nyaw, Mellyyyy…” He whined and slumped his shoulders, but sighed when I gave him a puppy dog face. “But It’s like,” He looked at the clock on the dashboard, “9PM! …Perfect couple time…” He winked at me sexily and I slapped his shoulder.

“Bad Bieber, bad!”

“Ooh yeah, Bieber’s a bad, bad boyyyy…” He winked again and hung his tongue out like a Labrador.  A HOT Labrador. Not that… I find dogs attractive… I scrunched up my face in disgust at his comment and he chuckled.

“Ugh, what if got them to meet us there? – We need what’s-his-name to translate anywhooo…” I shrugged.

“Fiiiine! But you owe me a movie. I don’t even care if it’s some sparkly vampire movie...” He said and then mumbled under his breath: “Not like we’d be watching anyways…” He pressed some random button and the car roared to life. Hot damn , this car is cool. I began to take my phone out when suddenly something popped into my head.

“And WHY EXACTLY won’t we be watching?” I slowly turned my head towards him curiously, only to be answered by wagging eyebrows and a colossal smirk. “JUSTIN! I sure hope you mean kissing!” I gaped.

“What ARE you implying?” He answered innocently as we turned out of the parking lot to the street, “I said NOTHING to suggest such a thing! My beautiful vagina is offended by your question!”

“Excuse me?! Your beautiful WHAT!?” My eyes widened.

“Lady Gaga said it...” He chuckled evilly, “Gotcha guuuuud…”

“I didn’t know you like Lady Gaga…?”

“Well, she can be a little crazy, but… Her songs are… Pretty cool.” I shrugged and I started texting the crew and Scooter as I spoke. I’m just so awesome that I can multi-task like that. Oh, snap.

“Did you know that for every crazy outfit she has an über deep meaning? She’s a genius. Oh, and if I saw her in that meat dress, I would still hug her. I love Lady Gaga.” I smirked and he gasped.

“I feel so unloved…” He fake cried, and I put my phone back in my pocket after sending the text:-

‘Yo guys meet us @ the movies in the shopping centre-seeing movie @ lyk ¼ to 10PM. Scoot, can u bring some1 2 trnsl8? O, N invite Kenny?-I don’t have his # yet. -<3 Mels xx’

“Justin, you know that I love you…” I tilted my head and pouted as cutely as I could.

“I love you too…” He turned to me for a millisecond, but took a double-take when he saw my face. “Aww, you’re so cute!” All of a sudden, I saw two bright headlights in front of the car.

“Justin, LOOK OUT!” I screamed.


AN: OMGAWSH, this was long… Considering I was literally typing what I’ve already written down in a book of mine. :/

I’m soooooo tired… It’s literally past midnight and OMG I HAVEN’T DONE MY PROACTIV!  :O OMG see you guys!

I love you so much!

(No homo!)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now