58) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“I want a drink, who’s coming?” Emily offered, and everyone but Khloe and I went with her.

“What’s up?” I asked once they all left.

“The second song. It’s meant for two people, and I’m scared I’ll stuff it up. It’s really hard to sing a two person song on your own, you know?” Khloe pouted and stared into the distance; a nervous habit of hers.

“Yeah, I know…” I smiled half-heartedly and she looked at me.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She took a deep breath.

“I’m sure you will.” I hugged her shoulders from the side and she smiled nervously.

“Khloe! You’re on in 15! Get dressed and get to hair and makeup!” A random crew member with a headset and a clipboard yelled, and Khloe smiled, turning to leave.





Khloe came out of her dressing room in a black bomber jacket and a black sequined dress that stopped in the middle of her thigh.

“You remember all the dance steps, Khloe?” Chaz asked from next to me, and I hit him in the shoulder. “Ow! Wha-Oh, and you look hot Khl-“ I Hit him again, “B-beautiful. You look beautiful, Khloe.” They smiled at each other and I crossed my arms smugly.

“Thanks Chaz…” Khloe blushed. “And yeah, I remember ‘em.”

“You’re on in five.” The random crew member-person popped up out of nowhere again and held up five fingers. “Can you follow me, please?” She grabbed Khloe’s arm and yanked her away.

“Psh, does she have a choice?” I murmured like the smart-ass I am, as they walked towards the space behind the stage and Khloe got into position as she was handed a microphone. She took a few deep breaths before the huge screens slid to the side and piercing screams rung throughout the halls. Ouch. …You don’t ever get used to that noise, I swear… Justin walked up in all of his white gear, all dolled up and ready for love me; even though he had over 20 minutes. He draped his arm around my shoulders and we watched as Khloe walked onto the stage. I was so freaking proud of her, Oh my gosh. When she was halfway through, the start of her first song, ‘Freak the freak out’, played, and the screams actually got louder. I watched a random screen that showed what was being played on the big screens out in the actual arena.



She sung the song perfectly, and I had managed to get some people from Justin’s crew to record it and send it to Khloe’s parents and our school back in Australia. This was going to blow their freaking minds. I mean, we aren’t even popular, but now, according to every media source known to man, we’re some of the most famous girlfriends in the world. I tried not to think of it though… But how people would act when we got back home concerned me. I guess I was lucky; I already knew who my true friends were. Khloe’s second song, Give it up, begun to play and I bit my lip nervously. As she begun to sing I could see her face slowly become more and more nervous and strained; she was untrained and yet she was doing all this… She’s freaking amazing. But I still grew more and more worried. Suddenly, she missed a whole line of the second person’s part, but covered it up as well as she could. Without thinking, I took the microphone out of Justin’s hand and walked slowly towards the back of the screens.

“Open the doors.” I mumbled, growing more and more nervous. Butterflies ate away at my stomach as the electrical people did as I asked and slid the doors open. Well, they were listening to me, but I could see Justin nodding his approval to them in the corner of my eye. He looked at me with great curiosity, but I looked straight forward as the gigantic crowd was revealed to me. Oh gosh. I listened to the beat as well as I could before Justin whistled at me. I turned and saw something small flying towards me. I caught it just in time and looked into my hands to see it was an ear piece. I put it in my ear and moved it around until I thought it was right. I saw Justin’s curious face again as I turned around and walked out onto the stage, holding the microphone up to my face and opening my mouth slowly.

“So stop tryin’ to walk away… No you won’t, ever leave me behi-i-ind…” I sung, and Khloe turned around to face me with the biggest grin on her face. This chick owed me big time.

Oh, you better believe that I’m here to stay, cause you’re the shade and I’m the sun-dial…” She sung and danced along. She’s freaking lucky I watched a lot of her rehearsals.


Khloe and I ran backstage together with linked arms and ginormous grins, as DJ Tay James smiled and nodded to us in approval, which made my smile grow even bigger. That guy was freaking awesome. We walked back to where Chaz and Justin were grinning like idiots and I handed Justin his microphone back.

“That was so great, Melly! I didn’t know you could sing! I mean, I didn’t know you could sing either, Khloe, and you were amazing too, but… Melani. You can sing?!” Justin rambled.

“Everyone can sing, Justin…  Just some people… Shouldn’t.” I snickered and he rolled his eyes. Khloe and Chaz embraced and whispered excitedly in each other’s ears. Justin took my hand and pecked me on the lips.

“You saved ‘er Melly. Thanks.”

“Why are you thanking me?!” I laughed.

“Yeah, Thanks ‘Melly’.” Khloe mocked.

“That’s okay, Khlo.” I rolled my eyes and held Justin’s hand tighter.


AN: I swear, Melly singing wasn’t even my idea. It was Khloe’s. I’m not even kidding, she was like talking about the songs she wanted Khloe to… sing… (LOL, confusing names. Tee hee!) …And she goes:

“Oh my god. And then, like, Melani can sing Give it up with Khloe…!” And then I’m like:

“Okay, sure, why not!” :D

ehhehe! But guess what!? I have the whole next season planned out. (Yes, another season.) <3

The question is…..:

What’s everyone gonna do when the story ends….?

MWAHHAHAHAHH! And I’ll leave it at that cuz I want chuu to read it when I start it. :3

I love y’all, no homo!



My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now