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AN: ill try and make this part as long as possible, I have heaps of ideas that I hav to put in before the season ends. Ahhhh!

Haha I need to scribble this all down on paper or something...

Omg I'm amazing ;)

Okay, straight back to the story!


Estelle's POV;

Krystal was the sweetest girl as it turns out; I never really got to get to know her when we used to sit with Regina and her group. In Maths she introduced Imogen and I to her twin brother Kane. They were identical and he was just, beautiful. The only difference between them was their eyes. Hers were both blue both only one of his was. The other was green, it looked pretty sexy. Not that I had a crush.

"Kane and Krystal, those are the cutest twin names ever!" Imogen giggled, and I swore I saw Kane wink his green eye at me.

"How come you're not sitting with the dogs?" He nodded towards Sammie and Harper. Usually I would sit next to them, but not since Regina took my letter. If they even looked at me, their letters would be taken too. Wait, did he call them dogs?

He noticed my confused expression and explained, "Krystal told me about how your group referred to them as dogs. Nice touch." My group? I looked over and saw he was actually talking to Imogen. She must've looked confused too...

"Dogs?" I frowned.

"Not you in particular!" Imogen's brow furrowed, "we just... From the outside youse all seemed pretty... You know..."

"Bitchy?" I laughed, "yeah, they are."

Imogen looked relieved and I turned back to Kane.

"My letter was taken." I pointed to my throat and I could've sworn he was looking lower than my neck... Thank god my uniform made me look, well, curvier, but not fatter.

"Why?" He asked, and I went silent.

"There was just a disagreement." Krystal butted in, and we exchanged smiles. Nice save.

"You're prettier without all that cake on your face, you know." He smiled, and holy shit his face is perfect.

"I never caked my-" I started, but I stopped when Imogen threw me a look. "Okay maybe I caked it just a little bit."

I didn't care anymore. Kane just called me pretty. My heart was doing flips.

When we walked out of Maths and towards our next class, I checked my timetable and realized I wasn't with any of the girls, I had woodwork and I was the only girl in the class. As I started walking towards the tech rooms, a tall figure appeared next to me. I gasped in surprise and I looked up to see Kane chuckling at me.

"Sorry beautiful."

"Tha-that's okay..." Good god, now he's got me stuttering. Stop being so hot. Gosh.

"What class do you have now?"

"Woodwork, you?" I asked and he chuckled again

"I can't even read my timetable." He rolled his eyes and pulled the sheet of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it. I took it and looked for today. I saw what he had this period and smiled.

"Woodwork." He flashed his perfect set of teeth back at me and we walked to class together. As we walked in I saw that the tool cupboards were unlocked, and the guys were taking specific tools out to take to their benches. I smiled. Practical lessons were always my favourite. Plus, it meant we had to pair up, and Kane didn't have a partner. I smiled at him and he gave me a look.

"Pair up?" He questioned, and I nodded.

"Sure." We walked over to the cupboard and the teacher, Mr Green told us which tools we needed. As it turns out, we were making a table, and he gave us a sheet of paper with the plans and measurements on it. Easy.

When we got to our bench, we put the tools down and he picked up a saw with the blade taken out.

"What the heck does this do?" He looked at me in confusion and I laughed, taking it to Mr Green who put the blade in for us. As i took it back Kane scoffed.

"I knew it was a saw. Just checking."

"Sure, Kane." I shook my head and laughed, taking out a pencil to measure up the wood.

"You forgot something!" Mr Green yelled from the front of the class, and pointed to his hair.

"What?" I asked, confused, but before I could say anymore, the elastic from my wrist was being tied around my hair. "Oh. Thanks Kane." I laughed and kept my head down to hide my blush.

"You two work well together!" Me Green exclaimed, making me look up from hammering the last nail in the table. Kane and I looked around the room to see the rest of the class hadnt even nailed the first leg on. We smiled at our table once I finished with the last nail.

"Feel free to sit and chat, we have about ten minutes left of class." He turned and walked to the of the class. Kane and I sat on the stools at our bench and he fidgeted with his fringe.

"So what are you up to this weekend?" He asked, almost going crosseyed in concentration at his hair.

"Nothing really. It's dads weekend so I won't really have any plans this week..."

"Wanna see the new Bond movie with me?" He tore his concentration away from his hair and looked at me.

"Sure, when are you free?" Does this mean were going on a date? I was so confused...

"Saturday? Ill pick you up, where do you live?"

I told him my address and he organized to pick me up at 11.

I couldn't wait for the god damned weekend!

When I finally got home, I got changed and checked my Facebook out of habit. One inbox. I clicked the little icon and a message from Shane popped up. Great.

"Who was that dickhead you were with in woodwork?"

Oh shit, I forgot, we were in the same woodwork class!

"Why does it matter to you. You don't own me?" I replied.

"Oh so you like him now. I heard youse are going to the movies. Don't get pregnant, skank." His last message took me by surprise, and I felt tears fill my eyes. I shut my laptop; I couldn't look at it any longer.


AN: I know I said this would be longer but I have to go out, I'm sorry! Ill have to split this chapter, I might finish it tonight. Xo

Love you all heaps! (No homo) :)

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