53) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“So, about the supporting act… Does anybody have any ideas, whatsoever?” He held up his hand with his phone in it and dropped it back down casually. I leant against the wall behind me and thought... We’ve had Dash & Will, Selena, Jasmine V… My thoughts were interrupted by a huge, loud creak from behind me that made the wall vibrate a bit. I jumped like, 2 feet in the air, but then recognised the sound as the shower starting up. Unfortunately, Ryan, Chaz, Christian and, well, everyone with me in the hallway saw my little freak out and was chuckling.

“Shut up.” I glared at the floor and went back to leaning against the wall when I heard a sound that made my eyes widen.




“You can’t touch me now, there’s no feelin’ le-eft. If you think I’ comin’ back.. Don’t hold your bre-eath!” I heard Khloe singing in perfect key. My jaw dropped and Scooter gave me a weird look as I pressed my ear against the wall. I knew the others were giving me looks too, but they were out of view. “I was under your spell for such a long time - couldn't break the chains…” She continued to sing ‘Don’t hold your breath’ by Nicole Scherzinger.

“What in the world are you doing, Justin?” Chaz asked, half suspiciously – half protectively.

“Shh.” I held one finger up bossily, “Listen.” I pointed to the wall and he walked into view and pressed his ear against the wall with a weirded-out expression on his face.

“I loved you so much that I thought someday that chuu could change…” She sung beautifully, and Chaz’s face melted into an awestruck expression.

“Exactly.” I whispered, and he nodded absentmindedly as he continued to listen. “Scooter, press your ear against this wall or I will Chuck Norris you.” I threatened.

“Uh… Do I really want to…?” His eyes widened.

(AN: If you have a dirty mind, you’ll get that. Mwahaha. >:) …But if not, it’s okay, it’s not important to the story or anything. :])

“What? … NO! It’s not that, she’s-“ I started.

“SHUT UP. I’m listening to my girlfriend sing, thank you.” Chaz growled, and Scooter mouthed,

“Oh…” He pressed his ear against the wall too, and when his face mimicked mine and Chaz’s, Ryan, Kenny and Christian rushed over and followed suit. Within milliseconds, every single one of them bore the same facial expression.

“I want her as the support act.” I stated, already having made my mind.

“Don’t force her into anything.” Chaz quickly shot in grimly, and I nodded.

“If you think I’m coming ba-ack, don’t hold your bre-e-eath…” Khloe sung the last line, and we all heard the shower stop. When she was dressed and everything she walked out into the hallway, only to see us all still pressed against the wall. She blushed like crazy and as soon as I realized we were caught, I straightened up and cleared my throat. The others did the same and I walked up to her.

“Can you be my support act?” I threw her my best puppy dog face, “We really need one since Selena left, and… and… You’re amazing… And… It would be a great start to a career in music, trust me..”




In three short minutes, suddenly my biggest dream was thrown in front of me… But I didn’t know if I could even sing in front of that many people! There were always thousands at his concerts!

“And if you’re nervous, I could help you overcome it… And, and… I’d do whatever! Like, seriously! I need your help right now, Khlo…” He pouted –again- and I blinked.

“Don’t let him force you, Khloe! If you don’t wanna, then-“ Chaz started to defend me.

“No. No… I wanna do it… But I am… n-nervous… How are you gonna help me over come it?!” I interrupted him and the biggest smile ever made it’s way onto Justin’s face.

“I OWE YOU A BILLION, KHLOE!” He hugged me really tightly.

“Whoah, careful with the hands, bro…” I warned, and Chaz perked up.

“Alright! Back off, Justin! Enough’s enough!” He walked next to me protectively, and Justin let go.

“Heh… Right… Got carried away…”

“Just a bit…” I joked sarcastically, and rolled my eyes.


AN: ZOMG, WHO KNEW?! LMAOOO! (I’ll give you a clue…. I did.) MAWAHAHAHHAH xD

...mmkay, so EVERYONE knew, but... whatever. I'm freaking typical. x3

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(...You visshh!)

(bahhahaha, jokes, jokes.)

<3 xxx <3

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now