60) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“And then what’s that make it now?”

“240,006?” I answered, unsure.

“Yes!” Jenny smiled. I was so bored, but I could still get answers right.

“I knew that.” Justin blew a raspberry.





“Email me and iChat me and tweet me and facebook me and call me and text me and… Yeah! Oh my gosh, I love you so much Melani, I’m gonna miss you like, heaps!” Justin whined with a tear in his eye. I had tears running down my own face too; we didn’t even know when we’d see each other again, if ever. I snatched him up in the biggest hug ever, and let the tears fall, before some chick said something random on the intercom. Justin hugged me tighter, but Kenny pried me free, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“That’s your flight guys; have you said goodbye to everyone?” He asked Emily, Khloe, Imogen and I. We all tearfully nodded, and even Kenny’s eyes were watering. AW… I love Kenny! “Okay… I’ll take you to the gate, but that’s as far as I can go… From there you’ll be taken care of by the stewardesses and your parents will be there to pick you all up, aight?”

“Yeah…” We echoed with croaky voices. We were all in tears; we didn’t want to say goodbye to our friends and boyfriends. They had become just like our family. Kenny walked us to the gate like he said he would, leaving the others behind us, and left us with a smiley brunette with a Qantas uniform on. I would have smiled at the thought of going on an Australian airline to go back home… To Australia, but I was feeling too heartbroken. I sniffled back a few tears as I hugged Kenny for the last time, and the stewardess checked our tickets. We walked through to the plane, and as soon as we got in, we were greeted by a female and a male steward/ess.

“Welcome aboard Qantas.” The steward said in an Australian accent, which actually did make my frown disappear for a few seconds as we got to our seats. I was seated nearest the window with Imogen beside me, then Emily, then Khloe, and then it was the hall way.

“Ryan dumped me.” Emily spluttered out, and broke into tears again, making the three of us all look at her and give her a huge group hug.

“Why?!” Imogen asked.

“Apparently we just ‘weren’t that close anyway’, and we were ‘more like good friends’…” She looked down at her hands and we hugged her tighter, before letting go.

“It’s gonna be so hard to stay in contact…” I murmured, staring out the plane window as we took off.




We finally touched down, and were escorted out of the plane and into the airport by the brunette stewardess that took our ticket and the one that was standing next to the male steward as we got in.

“Okay, can you guys see your parents?” The brunette stewardess asked us as soon as we got through customs.

“I can!” Imogen exclaimed, and ran towards where her parents and sister were waiting for her. One by one everybody ran towards their parents, except for Khloe and I; we were being picked up by her older sister Madelena. Who was late. As usual. She hated us, pretty much. I didn’t wanna deal with her right now, but I guess I had no choice, seeing as though nobody from my own family could be bothered to pick me up… Okay, so they were at work, and Christie was at school, so mum asked Khloe’s mum to pick me up. Who asked Madelena to pick us up. Who would pick us up. Eventually. The stewardesses told us to take a seat and the -red headed- one who greeted us when we walked onto the plane left because she had some appointment or something. Liar. I looked at the blonde chick as she rolled her eyes behind red-head’s back, and my gaze drifted to her name tag, which read “Keri”. Sweet. Better than calling her ‘the blonde one’, I guess.




 Sorry for not uploading sooner. >.< I'm so slack...

but you guys know I love you all. (no homo.)


...It's Jadey2834 , right? well, anyway, for those of you who know who Boo Boo Stewart is, he commented on her video! And the one's about "Ashley"? ...For me! :D Gash I lahv that gurl ;) ehhehe

And on facebook, someone from our school made this page called "terra goss", which was pretty much like gossip girl, only terra goss just copied and pasted any facebook inboxes about people at Terra onto their wall. Some were funny, but a couple were just like.. No. Not cool. But anyway, ONE DAY after it was created, our school contacts the ACTUAL FACEBOOK and tells 'em to take it down. BUT, before they did that, they called up the local police and got them involved, because there were some about the teachers. If anyone sees untrue rumours about teachers that are really bad, then the person could like, blab and ruin the teacher's reputation. The teacher would then get fired, and be unable to get another job due to the horrible rep they have. Konichiwa, ruined life. :/ So anyone who said anything like that, could be fined and have a criminal record. Konichiwa, hard to find employment = konichiwa, ruined life. But anyway, it was only the teachers who were able to press charges and stuff, but as far as I know, no one has. (:

But still, it was like, the biggest gossip subject that whole day. Then, the next day, the students were already talking about something else. ahha! Typical... Maybe I miggghhttt introduce a gossip girl like thing into this story... >:) heheh i think I might, actually.... ideas, ideas! :D


(No homo)


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now