6) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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__On the plane__

"Hey, Shawty, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back, kay?" Justin whispered in Melani's ear and she nodded. He smiled at her and walked up the hall. She smiled back until he dissapeared from her view, and then she turned to talk to Christian.

Justin was sitting on her left, next to the aisle, and Christian and Imogen were on her right, while Emily, Ryan, Chaz and Khloe were sitting in the seats in front. (Emily in the seat infront of Justin, Ryan infront of Melani, Chaz infront of Christian and so on...) "Hey Chris, how'd Justin get plane tickets so fast? I swear, the thingo said they were sold out, then all of a sudden, Justin comes back with tickets for everyone..." Christian smirked and started lifting up strands of Melani's hair, making her eyes widen and her body stiffen. "Christian... Whadaya doin'?" She said slowly, as if he belonged in a padded cell. "Checking for blonde streaks." "Why..." She stretched the 'y' out. Christian laughed, "He's Justin Bieber, Mels. That pretty much sums it all up." He smiled up at her and she cocked her head to the side in agreement. All of a sudden, a bang sounded from Justin's seat and Melani jumped and yelped in shock. "Hey 'dere!" Justin smiled and laughed as Melani clutched at her chest, catching her breath; the bang was only Justin jumping back into his seat. "Don't do that!" "So-rry-y!" Justin laughed and Melani smiled at him.

Imogen watched as Khloe jabbed Chaz in the shoulder and he jabbed her back, then she jabbed him, he jabbed back, and it went on and on. She cocked her head to the side a few times, trying to grasp the reason behind all the poking. "Duh-duh... duh-duh... duh-duh duh-duh..." Christian 'Duh'-ed the theme to Jaws and he moved his head slowly closer to Imogen's. She smiled widely and he bit the air. They both laughed, and a 7-year-old girl looked at them funnily. Suddenly, the pilot announced the 'Plane is about to land' and the seat-belt sign lit up, making everyone chatter as they clicked their belts in. "This is my favorite part!" Christian exclaimed loudly and the whole plane turned to stare at him. He didn't seem to notice as the plane began to dip. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed and Ryan groaned. "Dude, SHUTUP!" Christian just continued and Imogen laughed, before joining in. Soon, Melani joined in, then Justin and Khloe, and then Chaz. Ryan shrunk into his seat and Emily laughed at him. The whole plane was staring at them, but nobody cared. When the plane touched-down, everyone erupted into laughter, even Ryan. "HELLO New... I mean... HELLO PERTH!" Melani screamed, alerting the whole plane again. She chuckled as the whole group laughed their heads off. "Whoops..." She trailed, shrinking into Justin's shoulder.

__At Ze Airport!_

"I'm hungry..." Chaz grumbled and Ryan rolled his eyes. "Dude, we're only just at customs and you practically ate the whole plane out, like, three minutes ago!" Chaz scowled and looked down at his shoes as they waited in the line to get their bags checked. "...So?" He mumbled. "Ugh, whatever. We'll get something when we get pass..." Ryan groaned and looked over at Emily, and his mood was turned upside down as she smiled at him. He smiled back and his heart skipped a beat as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned back around, still smiling to herself.

"Careful Justin, you might get arrested here..." Melani looked up at Justin and he paled. "...Why?" "Cause your like a drug to me..." Melani winked at him and he chuckled, calming down. "That was so corny Mels... AND you literally had me scared out of my skin!" Melani laughed and elbowed him playfully.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now