5) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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"But... I didn't see any photographers... Did you?" Justin asked Melani; he could see fear hidden somewhere beneath her eyes. "No... I think that's why some of your fans have been looking at me weirdly..." Melani said slowly, monitoring Justin's reaction. "Just ignore it." he answered, "but be ready for a LOT of publicity and threats from crazy fans." Justin's calm mask faltered and he cracked a small smile. Melani smiled back, took the magazine out of Justin's hands and sat back down next to Imogen. Imogen's face was a question mark as Melani handed her the open magazine and explained what had happened. "You're gonna need a new Twitter, Melani." Imogen warned. "I believe I will." Melani laughed.

The crew were walking through a shopping centre in Sydney together, before the girls would have to go home and the boys would have to continue on with the tour. "I'm gonna miss you Khloe, you've been the awesomest friend." Chaz said, smiling. "I'll miss you too, Chaz, I've gotta say, you're the funniest guy I know." Khloe replied before pulling a crooked smile. Chaz draped his arm around Khloe's shoulders as everyone walked into the food court. "What the heck is 'Oporto'?" Chaz asked Khloe, causing her to giggle. "Lets just say it's an expensive, more Australian version of Mc Donald's!" She joked, and Chaz laughed with her as the whole crew found a table.

Justin and Melani had planned to order sushi, Imogen and Christian wanted Mexican, and Chaz, Khloe, Emily and Ryan all wanted KFC. They got their meals separately, each time a couple or two would stay behind. Justin and Melani sat together on one end of the long row of seats, and Imogen and Christian sat 3 seats (each side) away from them. "I didn't know you liked raw fish." Justin said to Melani, hoping to strike up a conversation that would help him know more about her. "Oh, the only raw fish I'll eat is tuna. I don't like salmon. But my favorite sushi has to be the ones with either the chicken, prawns, or that Japanese mayonnaise." Melani answered, already making her and Justin hungry. "Well, I'm going to order whatever you order, and from what I hear, I think I'm safe from any poisonous blowfish. I may be an adrenaline junkie, but I'm definitely NOT suicidal." Justin explained, and Melani laughed. "Thank god; if you died, at LEAST 3 million teenage girls would go with you." Justin cringed at what Melani said; none of his fans deserved to die, he loved em', and they helped him pursue his dream. Heck, no one deserved to die, period. Melani noticed Justin's discomfort and smiled apologetically; he just shook his head and smiled.

__1 hour later__

The guys were exhausted. Suddenly 'shop til you drop' didn't sound so ridiculously far away. The girls had been walking through the centre for hours; the guys found it uber boring, but they wanted to spend their last couple of hours in Sydney with the girls. Khloe turned and saw the state of the guys, shock drenching her features. "WHOA. The guys look like bloody shit! Why didn't you's say anything?! They're gonna sleep through the whole bloody plane trip!" She shrieked, horrified at the guys slumped bodies and half-dead expressions.

The other girls turned around to face the guys and gasped and frowned. Melani went up to Justin and hugged him. "Sorry! I can't believe you didn't say anything!" she pulled away and frowned at him. "It's cool, IF you'll be my shawty!" his expression brightened greatly when Melani's face turned into a giant smile. "Sure!" She answered. "Hey, where's my hug Em?" Ryan asked Emily, and he pushed out his bottom lip, pushing his request. Emily giggled and hugged him. "Aww, me too!" Christian whined, and Imogen hugged him too. Chaz just looked at Khloe and smiled, stretching his arms out. Khloe went in for a hug laughing. "I can't leave without you shawty, I want you to come on the tour with us..." Justin whispered in Melani's ear as they hugged again and she gaped

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now