56) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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 “Mom, I love you to death, but I have to go attack Dad in a hug.” I half-ran to Dad and gave him a hug. Yeah, usually sons may give their Dads man-hugs… I think… But I don’t get to see him very often. And I missed him heaps.

“Hey there, son!” He hugged back without hesitation. “Where’s the pretty little lady?” He chuckled and I stood next to him, pointing her out. She was only about twenty feet away, and as soon as Melani saw me pointing her out, she blushed and looked down a little.

“She’s a little nervous about the whole ‘meeting the parents’ thing.” I explained.

“Yeah, I can see that.” He chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll be nice.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I elbowed him lightly




His dad seemed nice, but I stayed quiet anyway. Pattie was standing next to me, and I’m pretty sure even Kenny could tell how awkward it was. Was I meant to introduce myself? Say ‘Hey’…? What? Oh my god, I had no idea what the heck to do. I chose to stay frozen for a while. Luckily for me, Justin –finally- noticed the awkward situation, and stepped forward.

“Mom, dad, this is Melani.” He smiled, so I smiled back.

“Jeremy.” Justin’s dad stepped forward and shook my hand. He smiled friendlily, so I smiled again. So, Jeremy was friendly, but I was scared about how Pattie would act.

“Hi Melani.” She smiled but stayed back. Well, at least she was polite. I smiled back, and didn’t show any awkwardness, just in case maybe a miracle had actually happened, and she was comfortable with idea of Justin and I. I wished. I hoped.

“Uh… Oh, hey! I just got an idea. Let’s all get lunch; Get to know each other.” Justin smiled weakly.

“Okay.” We all chorused happily.


“How did you meet?” Jeremy asked, and took a bite of his burger. We had gone to a random fast food place each in the food court, and luckily a few workers could speak English, so we were able to order with almost no complications. I loved the fact that more and more people in the world were learning English…

“Well, when we were in Sydney, we checked into a hotel. The moment I sit down with the boys to wait until Kenny and Scooter checked us in, some bubbly, beautiful girl struts in and photo-bombs a random couple. That’s when I knew I liked her. And, well, I introduced myself, she introduced herself, I invited her to sit with us while her parents checked in, and she did. She whips out her phone and starts texting, and then like, three seconds later, Imogen and her family walk in. It was the funniest thing, because after Melani attacked her in a hug, she went all love-struck teen when she saw Christian. And so did Christian; you shoulda seen the look on his face…” Justin chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

“Same expression you had when you saw me.” I snickered, “Did I mention that that random couple just happened to get a picture of that face in the background of the pic I photo-bombed?” Justin’s eyes nearly fell out of their sockets and I laughed.

“You seem nice together.” Pattie cut in, and I stopped laughing to look at her. She quickly looked down at her food and popped a chip into her mouth. “Um… Could you excuse me for a second? …Lipstick.” She got up and gestured to her lips, before walking to the toilets with her handbag on her arm. After she walked through the door, we all looked back at each other.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now