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AN: this won't be half as good as any of the last ones, but I have to end this season somewhere... I'm on my iPod, with fake nails (i know...) so any mistakes please feel free to correct me in the comments!

I've decided if I get enough reads I will in fact go right ahead with making a new season, I mean, you guys have been so god damned patient with me, I think youse deserve it!

As for the fake nails, I also have a fake tan, and no, I'm not the next nicki Minaj or anything close to it, my year 10 formal is on Wednesday! (I'm writing this on Sunday)

In Australia we only get two formals. Year 10 & year 12. But a lot of people drop out and get a job or something after year 10, so some only get one. Considering we don't have any other "proms" or "dances" it's quite the big deal to some.

But never fear, I'm doing my own hair and makeup unlike every other girl who's going to a salon and makeup artist.

And I'm sick too. I think I ate some bad Parmesan last night.

Any who!


Melani's pov;

We all walked to our classes and lucky Melani, I got to have child studies with the dogs. Woof, woof.

"Oh, Melly, you're back, babe! We all missed you so much!" The bulldog squeaked, adjusting her cake face in her handheld mirror. What the hell, I've never talked to her before...

Then I got an idea.

"I'm sorry I don't know you..." I replied and she laughed.

"Regina, duh. Silly girl."

"Oh my god, you're joking. As in Regina George...?"

"Well, yeah I guess, but that's not my last name."

"I'd say not."

"What? I don't get it."

"Never mind, Regina." I smiled and turned back to my book, leaving her and her dogs confused. There was a sudden knock at the door and I turned to see one of the dogs, obviously late to class again. Shame on her and her Greek god of a boyfriend... Always losing track of time when they eat each others face off.

To my utter surprise, she didn't sit with her fellow canines and instead glided gracefully towards the new queen bee. Me. Note the sarcasm when I say utter surprise.

"Hey Melani, I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Estelle." She smiled at me and I gave her a small smile back. At least she introduced herself.

Then suddenly something caught my eye. She wasn't wearing her collar.

Oh my god, she must be an exile.

Let me explain; when you become a dog, they gift you a shiny, diamonte studded letter, in her case an 'E' for Estelle, strung on a silver chain. And you have to wear it everyday, or people don't treat you like a 'popular'... Or 'dog' as we call them. If there is a huge fight, they take your letter off of you; like Estelle.

I started feeling a little bad for her. When they cut someone out, they really know what they're doing. They never speak to you again, they block you on Facebook, delete your number, etcetera, etcetera.

So when class ended I decided I'd take her in. After all, she wasn't even wearing her 12 layers of makeup today; she must be truly exiled.

I wonder if her boyfriend left her, too...

We walked out of class together and my question was about to be answered. Her boyfriend, Shane, walked out of the classroom next door to ours and caught eyes with Estelle. He frowned and just as he started to walk away, he turned on his heel and kissed Estelle in the lips.

"I'm sorry, Stella, I really am..." He cooed, and I looked back to Estelle just as she pried his hormone-driven body off of her.

"Get lost, loser." She growled, and it took me by surprise. He must've done something... Could it be the reason she was cast out? She lost her trophy boyfriend, so they took her popularity?

I noticed tears begin to well up in her eyes so I quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her away, to where I usually sat at lunch with the girls. As we sat down I saw Mason and Emily approach with two very different expressions on their faces. Emily was shocked and a little disgusted, whereas Mason looked sympathetic. Emily whispered angrily to Mason, and when she replied, Emily's expression mirrored hers. After everyone arrived at the table, they only had to see that Estelle wasn't wearing her collar to know she's an exile. They struck up conversations with her, and as It turns out, when she forgets about the dogs and her Shane, she's just like one of us.

When the bell rang again we checked our timetables and we all had our different Maths classes. Luckily we were all pretty much paired up into classes so no one was alone, Estelle was with the new girl and Imogen, Emily with Khloe, and I was with Mason. Perfect. Time to find out what happened.

"Regina screwed Shane and everyone knows it. She gave him chlamydia." Mason laughed hard, "She curled up to him at Estelle's birthday party, and the ass wipe actually fell for Regina's charm. Estelle was heartbroken, I felt so bad for her. She confronted Regina and before anyone could even hear Estelle out, Regina tore off Estelle's letter. Right in the middle of the school. Everyone saw. It was probably the most embarrassing moment of her life. Everyone was silent. You could hear Regina's whisper from a mile away; 'I guess you're just not good enough anymore.' And that's when everyone knew Regina was plotting it all along. She's nothing but a pure bred bulldog." Mason shrugged and I frowned.

"How could she do something like that to her?"

"Like I said; pure bred."

"...bitch..." I mumbled, and Mason nodded in agreement.


AN: I'm about to write the next part, I'm sorry if this is short! I can't tell on my iPod... And plus. If you haven't noticed, I forgot the new girls name, and She's gonna be a pretty big part of the story! Hahaha :/

I love you all, no homo babes.

Woof, woof. ;) xox

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