48) My bestfriends fell in love with your best friends....

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“A girl?”

“Yeah…” I trailed.

“Be careful, Justin. We can’t have you heartbroken; your fans need you.”

“I know… She wouldn’t do that… I love her dad…”

“What’s her name? Can I meet her?” His voice was filled with support. I love my mom to death, but there’s times like these when I need my dad.

“Melani… And she’s on tour with me. Tag along at the same time as mom… You’ll love her…” I hope…

“Sure thing. But I’ll have to pass it by the Mrs, aight?”

“Can’t wait… Jazmyn still hasn’t learnt much, ayy?” I chuckled as I took my top off, setting the phone on speaker so I could hear him.

“Not too much, but she is learning.”

“She’s growing up too fast, dad!” I cried jokingly.

“Tell me about it! Before we know it, Jazzy and Jax will graduate!”

“Oh gosh, don’t even mention it! That’s scary. Imagine how old I’ll be then!”

“No, imagine how old I’ll be then!” We laughed. He could always cheer me up.



Once the conversation ended, I hung up and finished getting ready for bed. I lay down and stared up at the roof for a few moments and Melani walked out of the bathroom, dumping clothes into her bag before she jumped into the bed with me.

“Hey Bie-“ She started, but was interrupted by a massive yawn.

“Sorry. Tee hee.” I smiled groggily and she pulled the covers over us, snuggling into my chest.


“You have interviews and stuff today…” Melani sighed, and absent-mindedly searched through her bag for clothes.

“I know… Maybe you could… Go shopping with Khloe, or something?” My recommendation made her crack a smile.

“Good idea…” her face fell. “I don’t have any money…”

“Oh, Melani, Melani, Melani…” I rolled my eyes and quickly ninja-ed my credit card out of my pocket.

“No… I’m okay. We’ll window shop.” She smiled, “That’s fun too!”

“No it’s not, Melly. Take the card.”

“Nuh-uh.” She crossed her arms across her chest. “I won’t take your money, Justin.”

“Take it.” After a few moments of silence I sighed and got up. I walked over to her and tucked the card in between her crossed arms. “This is one of the million reasons I love you, Melly. So modest.” I pecked her on the forehead and she rolled her eyes.

“Fine…” She gave me a small appreciative smile. “Thanks, Justin.”

“Anything for Melani!” I smiled and chuckled.



My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now