51) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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…I walked up to Melani and hugged her waist from the side before she could even think about moving away. Not that she would, just…

“Don’t listen to her, Melly. I do love you, you know that.” She turned to and hugged me back. “…And you’re not trash.”

“Thanks, Justin… Love you too…” She hugged tighter for a moment before we let go. I looked back to where Selena was standing, but she was walking back into her room that we rented out while she was on tour with us.

“C’mon Mels, it’s getting late… Lets go to sleep.” I led her to the bedroom and we got into the bed.





I awoke to sun pouring in from the window across the room. I sat and blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the light and saw Justin at the mini fridge.

“Guten morgen, Mr. Bieber.” I spoke in German and smiled. He turned his head towards me and then back to whatever he was doing.

“Good morning, Miss Starke. I’m just making breakfast.” He said slowly in a British accent, which made me laugh.

“Oh, and Mr Bieber?” I also spoke in a British accent.

“Yes,  my lady?”

“…Don’t forget the tea.” I tried to keep my face straight, but I let out a small giggle. He turned around completely, holding a plate with a purple rose on it, and two pop tarts. I laughed, and ‘aw’-ed. “Naw, it’s pretty!”

“Thank-yah!” He smiled, and sat it on my lap, chuckling.

“Very pro, Justin.” I snickered.

“Well so-rry if I’m not a masterchef like Kenny!” He laughed, and I laughed along. He grabbed his own magical plate out of nowhere with two pop tarts on it and sat next to me. I narrowed my eyes at him and brought the stem of the rose to his neck like a knife.
“You better tell me how the heck you keep pulling things out of thin air or else.” I said, as seriously as possible.

“Or else what?” He challenged with a smirk.

“O-or else… I won’t ever kiss you again.” I pushed my bottom lip out and stuck my chin in the air like a stubborn child.

“Meh. Okay.” He shrugged, and picked up one of his pop tarts. I scoffed and my jaw dropped -along with the rose-, even though I knew he was joking. He must’ve seen it as the perfect moment to kiss me because before I knew it he was latched onto my lips. Within seconds he pulled away with a bigger smirk than before. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He said, popping the ‘P’ at the end of ‘keep’. I mumbled random proficiencies.

“Fine, I’ll go talk to Selena, then.” I jumped up from the bed and towards the door with crossed arms. As soon as I opened the door, he realized I wasn’t kidding.

“No, wait!” He jumped up from the bed and chased me down the hall as I giggled my head off. I knocked on the door, and within milliseconds he all but tackled me from the side.

Luckily the hallways were carpeted because, judging on the amount of times I had been tackled down to the floor, I would be covered in purple bruises. We began laughing our heads off as quietly as possible, but it was hard to keep our voices low enough as to not wake anyone up.

We sat up and eventually stood. I became increasingly curious as to why Selena hadn’t answered the door yet; Justin had told me she was a morning person. I looked towards the door, only to see it just a smidgeon open, as if my knocking on it had opened it. My head snapped to Justin’s worried facial expression and back to the door. My heart began beating quicker; it was like we were in the middle of a scary movie, and I didn’t know whether to grab a knife, a machine gun, investigate, or run like heck, screaming at the top of my lungs. I actually didn’t want to open the door in fear of what I’d see inside, but my hand moved up to the door almost automatically and pushed it open slowly and cautiously.

“Selena…?” I called out nervously.


AN: Ooooooooo OMG, what happened to Selena???

...Remember – Please don’t hate on her real self because of her character in this story. <3 I’m actually a fan, so I don’t mean anything personal against her with what I’m writing, I’m only using her in the story because if I ever need a pic of like, Justin and an ex or just have a random evil in there, I don’t have to make up anyone.

Who saw the Royal wedding?! OMG, her dress looked EXQUISITE! And she is so beautiful! Ohh! DYK, APPARENTLY, SHE’S AUSSIE?! :D Eeeeep! ... I thaaank.... o.0 ....I didn’t watch it all; I just caught glimpses as I walked past the TV and stuffs. :3 But still. ;)



And my calves are killing me cause I stretched the muscles in them from non-stop jumping. (I'm still limping, and it's been FIVE days. -_- Thanks, Mr. Bieber... hahahahaha!)

And also, let’s just say… I KNOW THE DJ!!!!!


It was aMAZING! He mixed together songs like Dynamite, Yeah 3x and Only Girl (In the world), and RIGHT before the REALLY beat-ish parts in the choruses he’d go “OKAY, NOW PUT CHURR HANDS UP… AND 3, 2, THREE, TWO, ONE and JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP! And EVERYONE IN THE ARENA was jumping AT THE SAME TIME and it looked SO. FRIGGEN. BEAST.



<3 xx

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now