49) My Best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“He thinks pretty high of you, Melani… We all do, I guess. You’re a pretty cool girl.” She smiled and I returned it, a little overwhelmed by the sudden heap of compliments.

“Th-Thanks Carin…” I looked down as we kept walking, feeling a little embarrassed. That was, until I remembered Justin tried to get me to spend all day trying to max an un-maxable credit card. Then, an idea popped into my head. “I know!” I looked up at Khloe and Carin with a huge grin.



“I’ll donate most of this to charity! I mean, I kinda need some new clothes, since I’m staying on the tour, but I couldn’t possibly need all of it!” We all smiled and started walking towards the carpark, where there was a charity-clothing bin we saw earlier.


Justin rolled his eyes and then chuckled.

“I should’ve known you’d figure it out eventually… But what you did was pretty cool, Melly.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

“Gah, C-can-n’t B-breathe!”

“Eh-hem… Sorry.” He pulled back and bit his lip, chuckling.

“S-so’kay…” I said, eventually getting my breath back.

“Justin! In here please!” We heard Scooter shout, and Justin nodded as if to say ‘see ya’. He walked out of our room and down the hall to Scooter’s room, where Scooter was waiting at the doorway.


“We’re bringing Selena Gomez in as a supporting act for your next concerts… And I know theirs a bit of tension between you two after you dated, but please, try to think of this as a challenge. And keep Selena and Melani away from each other when in the public eye. Publicity is good, but not always, okay?” Scooter explained, and I suddenly got really nervous. But I guess I’d have to keep my cool; what if Scooter tries to cancel some shows, or break me and Melani up or something? I can’t let anyone down…

“Sure… yeah, that’s cool.” I put my hands in my pockets and pulled out my blackberry, my right hand still in my pocket. I tweeted a small ‘welcome to the tour, @selenagomez!’ and put it back in my pocket.



“Hi, Justin…” Selena smiled. Yes, she was happy to see me… But not for long. The moment she sees Melani…



I walked into the arena we were going to be performing Justin’s concert in and looked about frantically. I was excited to see Justin… I hadn’t seen him in a while, and I really wanted to talk about getting Jelena back together.

(AN: I don’t know if Jelena has ended or their still together, but in the story they broke up like a month before Justin went to Australia, and they had dated for about a month. People in the story (Like Scrappy) were introduced and talked about in Justin’s movie, so if there’s anyone you don’t know about… Go see it again! Ahahahahah! …Sorry for the interruption! Teehee! X3)

I saw Scrappy at the board with all the switches, screens and little lights at the side of the stage and I approached him.

“Hey Scrappy!” I smiled and he turned around, smiling when he recognised me.

“Oh, hey Selena!”

“Have you seen Justin?” I asked sweetly, and he chuckled.

“Try the dance studio.”

“Thanks Scrappy!” I smiled again and made my way to the Dance hall. When I got there, I opened the door to see Justin’s dancers rehearsing, and Justin at the back of the room, talking in a small huddle of people. I walked to towards the group with a huge grin on my face. “Hey, guys!”

“Hey!” Ryan, Justin’s friend who apparently used to have a crush on me responded.

“Sup?” Kenny nodded his head upwards in greeting.

“Hey, Selena!” Justin smiled, and my grin widened, if possible. So. Freaking. Hot. …But not everyone in the group had said ‘Hey’ to me; there was a random brunette girl there too.

“Oh, hey! Who’s this?” I looked at her, and then at Justin, who tensed up. As soon as he realized, he quickly pulled himself together, and I pretended not to notice.

“This is Melani. Melani Starke.” He smiled a little but it was fake; I could tell. What the heck was going on…? “Sh-She’s my girlfriend…” He tried to sound as confident as possible, and I felt my heart fall through the floor.

“O-Oh… Hey, Melani.” I smiled as genuinely as possible. I didn’t want to be kicked of the tour, even though I was only going to be performing that night and again two days after.

“Hi…” She said shyly, and I felt jealously spread across my body like wildfire.


AN: Omgzzz guys, I’ve been uber slack with uploading, but I’ve been real busy lately, and there’s been a few family issues, like my great grandmother – My last great-grandparent – died yesterday. (I’m writing this on the 18th of April, but yeah, you know the story with my uploading. [:)

Her name was officially Maria Nowland, married to Norman Aldwell Nowland (Who died in February… 200…7…? I think… Ugh, time flies.) We called her Joan because that was what her mother named her, but her sister was TOTES against it, cause it wasn’t a saint name and, well, my great grandmother was 9…2…? So in those times errybody was UBER religious, yknow. And anywhoo, when my great grandmother’s mother wanted to post the birth certificate info, she was like, still in hospital, so she got her sister to do it. (I bet you know what happened next.. teehee!) The sister changed the name on the thingo from Joan to Maria, and posted it. VWOOSH! They didn’t find out her name was Maria until she got married to Norm (<3 to them both). Ynow, cause they had to pull out the ye olde birth certificates, yadda, yadda, yadda… Interesting story… :)

But! Norman actually drove until he was ninety! NINETY! And he was super-duper active and stuffies… Lawn bowls, yadda, yadda. (: <3

Anyway, thanks to all of my wonderful friends for the love and support. ESPECIALLY to @Rebecca_K, the author of “The secret life of Renesmee Cullen” (Amazing fanfic! Was -and probably still is- in the what’s hot under fanfiction!)

Her facebook post on my wall made me cry! I love you, no homo, Rebecca! :’) It meant –and means- the world to me.

Here’s what she said:

“r.i.p great grandma nowland :( never knew you, but you meant alot to ashley, so you mean alot to me :) xx♥” …I will always remember this, Rebecca, and if you’re reading this, know that that means so much to me that I can’t even explain. Love you so much (no homo) (:

And I love y’all (nh) too! (You know iiiit!) xx

p.s: turns out she was 93. Beat Norm by a year. (he was 92). Typical them. X) <3

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now