44) Suddenly, i'm dating Justin Bieber and...

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“I love you too…” Justin turned to me for a split second but did a double take when he saw my face. “Aww, you’re so cute!” All of a sudden, I saw two bright headlights in front of our car.

“JUSTIN LOOK OUT!” I screamed.




Justin’s head snapped forward and he gasped, whipping the wheel around to dodge the other car. We ended up just missing it, thank god. But the car came off the side of the road and into a park or something. As I slowly got my dizzied head together, I saw that we were on the other side of the park where we filmed the video for ‘Latin Girl’.

“Are you okay?!” Justin stressed.

“Yeah, sure, I’m fine… Look where we are.”  I nodded in gesture to the scene around us. He looked outside the windscreen and gaped in recognition.

Whoa, that is creepy…” He breathed.

“It’s the ‘Latin Girl’ park.” I smiled, and he turned to me with a majorly sarcastic expression.

“No kidding, Melani. I totally wasn’t, like, looking straight at it or anything.” He snorted and I rolled my eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Yeah, just a little in shock.: He chuckled once. I turned and looked out the back window, which was, like all the windows, extremely tinted. We had ended up driving down a wide stone path and onto a patch of grass. So lucky. I turned back to Justin.

“I think we should try and get outta here.” I mumbled.

“Yeah, but before we get outta here, I have to tell you-“

“I’m too sexy for my shirt? Yeah, sorry Justin, but it’s staying on.” I interrupted him with a smirk on my face.

“Oh, ha, ha. No, I was gonna say don’t tell anyone about this. Mum, Scooter and Kenny would freak… Actually, everyone would freak…” He looked away with a thoughtful expression.

“Sure, tell nobody. Got it.” I smiled and he slowly came back down to earth, eventually returning it and gripping the wheel. He carefully backed out of the park. It wasn’t a very bust road at all –Just our luck- so there wasn’t anyone to back into before we were driving normally.

“Nothing ever happened…” Justin whispered to himself.

“Huh? What happened? I didn’t notice anything happen…” I smirked, playing along.

“That’s my Melly.” He smiled, still looking at the road, which was lit up by the car’s white LED-ish headlights. Whether they were LED or not… Well, I don’t even know what LED is… But I know it’s like, a lighty thing or - whatever.

“Hey, how come it’s taking so long to drive to the movies?” I raised one eybrow.

“Uh, um… I went the long way cause, um… I like this car.” He smiled guiltily, playing along, but kept his eyes glued to the road. Understandable.

“I don’t think I wanna know the cost of it…” I giggled.

“Nop.” He made a popping sound when he said the ‘P’. “We’re here.” He almost sounded disappointed, which made me laugh.

“Don’t you like spending time with me?” I joked.

“Nyeah, but we were hanging out in the super-duper car of awesome.” He whined and I snorted. I believe the car has just earnt itself a nickname. I rolled my eyes while he backed into a random parking spot. I leant forward slightly and looked at the clock on the dashboard. 9:20. Well, that was a fast car accident.

“We have 25 minutes ‘till they meet us for the movie.” I thought about the time for a moment, “We’re gonna get back to the hotel so late…” I scrunched up my face, imagining how tired we were going to be.

“Have we even eaten dinner yet?” Justin answered his own question when his stomach rumbled.


AN: HOWZYAH, BRO'S?! So, yeah, you worried for nothing.


But admit it, you STILL LOVE ME! Gosh, love is a confusing thing, ain't it? Well, I tell you what, if you press that 'vote' button, it proves JUST how much you love me, and makes me wanna write the next part... Which was actually meant to be on the end of this part, but DANG, was it LONG!

...Oh, gosh, that sounded DIRTY! xD HAHAHA I spend to much time with JojO. (The super awesome hater BFF who loves WWE.) ;) She's recently gotten me addicted to All time Low. You guys should hear 'Time Bomb'. It's SO CATCHY!!! :D



My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now