30) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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Justin was practically drooling and was staring at Melani’s butt.

JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!” Melani half-screamed, half-whispered. He immediately snapped out of it and looked around as if nothing happened. Melani rolled her eyes and took her pajamas to the ensuite (bathroom connected to the bedroom) to change. When she came out she saw Justin sitting shirtless on his bed, tweeting or texting or whatever on his blackberry. She did a double take.

‘Oh, hot damn...’ Melani thought as her eyes glued themselves to his abs.

“Who’s the pervert now?” Justin chuckled and Melani’s eyes snapped to Justin’s face. Melani blushed.


“S’okay, shawty... Come over here.” He patted the space on the bed next to him and Melani ran and jumped onto it. Justin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and put his blackberry on the bedside table. He kissed her hair and hugged her tightly.

“Goodnight, Melly.”

“Night, Jay.” Melani smirked.


Chapter THIRTY! I  think this is my longest story yet... *checks*

YEP. I can’t believe I didn’t check that earlier... Or did I?

...It’s just... It’s that obvious... Considering I'm the author.


“MELLY! UP, UP, UP!” Justin yelled, tearing the doona away from Melani’s body. Melani groaned and rolled out of bed, falling on the floor.

“Mmmmhmmsnedjmascfer?” Melani mumbled into the carpet.

“What?” Justin furrowed his brow and Melani pushed herself up so she was sitting upright.

“What time is it?” She ran her hands through her hair and looked around for a clock of some sort.

“Six in the morning...”

WHAT?! Why so early?!” Melani jumped up.

“I have to record the ‘Latin Girl’ video... And I thought you’d wanna be there...?”

“Oh yeah... I’m gonna get changed.” Melani dragged herself to her bag and got an outfit out, before drowsily going into the bathroom. When she was done changing, she looked at herself in the mirror to see what she had just changed into. After all, she was too tired to look when she first grabbed it out of her bag, so she didn’t see what she grabbed. She was wearing a aquamarine tank top and neon yellow short-shorts. Tank top again?!

‘Then again... this might be fun...’ Melani thought, and smirked evilly to herself. She walked out of the bathroom and looked through her bag again, this time for shoes. Great. Nothing matched. Then, she got an idea. she crossed her arms over her chest and purposely pulled them in really tight. She looked around, but Justin wasn't in the bedroom. Melani walked out and found him sitting at the kitchen bench, eating breakfast.

“Jusssstiiiiinnnn?” She whined. Justin turned around and his eyes immediately glued themselves to Melani’s chest. She tried to hold back a giggle. “None of my shoes match this...” She shrugged one shoulder and popped her hip out to the side. Justin’s mouth popped open.

“B-b-b-borrow som-me of mi-mine...” He looked as if he was about to start drooling.

“...Good idea... Thanks Justin!” She turned around and walked back into the bedroom. She found a pair of shiny purple Supra’s in Justin’s suitcase and she held her breath. Hopefully, they fit okay. She slipped one on and it fit almost perfectly. A bit big, but if she did they laces up a little tighter than usual, she’d be fine. She put the second one on and walked out to Justin.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now