31) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Uhmm... Insert corny pick-up line here...?" Justin chuckled. 

"You don't even NEED to pick me up... You got me already." Melani used her hands to gently push her face off the glass as she turned around and winked at Justin. 

"Man... I wish you could be in the video..." Justin sighed and rested one arm along the back of Melani's chair. Alfredo groaned and turned around, studying Melani's face carefully. 

"I have an idea, Bieber." 


Justin perked up. 


"Yeah... If we get a decent makeup artist we could make Melani look L-" Alfredo started. 

"YAY! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" Justin un-clicked his seat belt and attacked Alfredo in a hug. 

"Whoah. Um, it's okay..." Alfredo's eyes widened and he patted Justin's back awkwardly until he let go. "...Young love..." He shook his head slowly and smiled. 

"Al, you have got NO idea..." Scooter shuddered in his seat, but slowly cracked a smile. Alfredo chuckled. 

"That bad, huh?" 

"Yep." Kenny made a popping noise with his lips when he said the 'P'. 

"Uh, oh..." Alfredo chuckled again, and Justin poked his tongue out. Melani un-clicked her seatbelt and moved over to near the front; where the guys were. 

"I feel left out. Niji ga suki desu." Melani said without emotion. Em was listening to an iPod and was looking out the window with a slight smile. 

"What does THAT mean?" Justin pouted. 

"Oh, nothing TOO weird... Just 'I like rainbows', in Japanese... Like I said... Not anythang TOO weird..." She winked at Justin. 

(AN: Yeah, kiddies, that actually DOES mean 'I like rainbows' in Japanese. Now, fly, be free... And go shout in random Japanese people's faces, proclaiming your love for rainbows...!) 

"No, Melly. Not weird at all..." Justin trailed, looking at Melani like she was crazy. Maybe she was, though... Melani giggled insanely. 

"Uhm... Maybe we should start taping now... The rest of the crew is here. Including the makeup artist for you both." Alfredo interrupted Melani's giggling. 

"Yeah, let's go..." Scooter ushered everyone off the bus, but as he looked back, he saw Em still sitting there, listening to her iPod. "You comin', Em?" Em looked up and shook her head. 

"No thanks... I think I'll stay here." She smiled and Scooter shrugged, walking off the bus and locking it behind him. 


"WELL, now that THAT'S over... Let's get some Mickey D's!" Justin laughed. They had finished filming for the day, but would need to get some extra shots the next day. 

"Hooray! Macca's!" Melani jumped up and down and clapped until she realized everyone was staring. "What? ...OH! Macca's is what we call Mc Donald's in Aussie!" 

"Oh... Kay...?" Justin laughed and Melani slapped his shoulder playfully. 


"I want a big Mac!" 

"Me too!" Melani agreed with Justin. 

"What about you, Em?" Kenny asked Em. 

"Huh? Oh, I'll just get medium fries, thanks..." She mumbled, slowly snapping out of a trance. She was still listening to her iPod, but it was low enough so that she could hear everyone. Sort of. 

"That's ALL?!" Justin's mouth dropped. Em nodded in response and Kenny shrugged. 

"Suit yourself..." He walked away from the table to join the line and get everyone's -early- dinners. Scooter and Alfredo sat on the end of the table, across from each other, Melani was next to Alfredo, Em next to her, Kenny across from her, and Justin next to him. (across from Melani.)  

"So... Whatcha listening to, Em?" Melani asked Em, trying to strike up a conversation seeing as Scooter and Alfredo were on the middle of their own, and Justin was skimming through his iPhone. An iPhone AND a blackberry?! How many phones does one guy NEED?! 

"Hmm? Um... Look, it, Uh, may not seem like it would be embarrassing for you, but I need you to PROMISE... you won't tell anyone." Em looked Melani in the eye, setting the seriousness of what she was saying in. Melani looked at Justin, then Kenny, then Alfredo and Scooter, before looking back at Em and nodding. 

"I promise." 

"Family... Like, home videos and stuff, but I'm only paying attention to the audio. My mum had the most amazing voice... Before she threw it all away for cigarettes..." Em looked at her knees and started swiveling her chair from side to side. 

"Oh... Don't worry, as a kid EVERYDAY was a bad hair day. But I was sorta lucky... In a way. We dont have any home videos... Only photographs." She smiled friendlily when Em looked up and chuckled.  

Soon enough, Kenny came back with the food and everyone except for Em was chowwing it all down as fast as possible. 

"How come you're eating so slow?" Justin asked, and shoved another fist-full of fries into his mouth, quickly finishing the packet. 

"I'm just naturally a slow eater. And the slower you eat, the fuller you get... from the same amount of food. I got the slow-eating habit from my mum..." 

"How come I'VE never noticed...?" Justin frowned. 

"We don't all eat as a group very often..." 

"Really?" Justin raised an eyebrow and Em nodded. "...Huh... I'll try and get us to eat together more, then... Wow, that kinda sucks that we don't eat as a group often..." He blew a raspberry and took a huge bite out of his Big Mac burger. His nose scrunched up and he put it down. "Ugh... Forgot to ask for no pickles..." he breathed. He pulled the top off and began picking them off, putting them in the inside of the burger box lid.  

"OOH! yummy!" Melani squealed, and began picking them out of the lid and popping them into her mouth. Justin laughed and put the remaining pickles into her hand instead of the lid. 

Em looked around and saw someone that made her drop her fry. 



Dudes, Imma add bold and italics when my Wattpad isn't bweing a mweanie.  


I didnt wanna make you wait forEVER for this part, so I'm uploading from...  

DA 'POD!  

(AKA: my iPod touch. :3) 

*Re-edited--->The BOLD and ITALICS are IN, BABY!*


Love y'allzzzzzxxxxcchhhh! (No homozzzzz!) 

ADIOS AMIGOS! *puts on sombrero and poncho and dances with those shaky-things.... I've gone blank... For some reason I'm thinking it's a close word to 'Macarena'...0.o*

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now