55) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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By the end of the night we had had the cheese fondue, Christian had ordered like, twenty pounds of Swiss cheese, and everyone else had like, quiches or salads or something. For dessert, we had a little fondue chocolate fountain with Swiss chocolate, strawberries, and marshmallows. That was, until Christian asked for little squares of swiss cheese to dunk into it. I knew he liked –and loved- cheese, but I had no idea he was obsessed with it! The idea of a cheese obsession made me laugh… So many ‘e’s and ‘s’s… I probably should’ve caught on when all he would ever order from Mickey D’s was a cheese burger with extra cheese… When we were done I paid the cheque, and Kenny helped us all take our bags to our rooms to unpack.




I woke up in the morning feeling like P Diddy…. Okay, I just felt as rich as P Diddy cause I woke up with Imogen next to me. Corny, I know, but it was the first night that we had slept in the same bed. I mean, we were in love, I guess, but not as in love as Jelani and Khlaz… Like Ryan and Emily, we were taking it a little slower.

“Hey, baby…” She said with a croaky voice as she caught me staring at her. I smiled and winked. She giggled and sat up. “Ugh, uh oh…”

“What?” My brow furrowed and I sat up too.

“Pattie’s coming back on tour from her cruise with Justin’s grandma today…”

“Oh. And why ‘Uh oh’?” I questioned.

“Pattie doesn’t know how close Melani and Justin actually are, and you know what happened when Pattie first even heard about the relationship…”

“Oh, right…” I trailed, and it all came together in my mind. Justin and Melani were probably going to have to sleep in separate beds, just in case Pattie freaks out about it, and etcetera, etcetera. All of that made me think about Melani’s parents… And my parents… And Imogen’s parents. Oh gosh, we have some phone calls to make.



Melani, Kenny and I all went out to the actual airport, (The hotel is an airport hotel) and we sat in the food court; where we would meet my Mom and Dad.

“Remind me why I came as well?” Melani questioned. She was super nervous about meeting my parents for the first time in person. We talked and we agreed that we wouldn’t tell Mom about Melani running off in Italy when Mom was on the phone to me, and she thought I didn’t love her, yadda, yadda, yadda.

“Because Mom needs to get used to us being together. I love her, but I love you, too. Plus, Dad loves you already.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do!” I chuckled and put my arm around her, scooting my chair closer to hers. “I’ve been in touch with them both – Phone, you know. Plus, they have twitter. You know that.” I touched a strand of her hair and tugged at it lightly. Gosh, it was getting long. And so was my hair; my hair was back to it’s famous self. Bieber flip and all. I mentally chuckled. I should do that again sometime. Not sometime soon, but…

“Wait, what? Your parents have twitter?!” She snickered and I looked at her weirdly, until something clicked.

“Oh, right. You’re a twitter virgin. I see.” I nodded a little, and Kenny laughed his awesome laugh.

“Man, keep the sexual jokes and stuff on the low. But I gotta admit, that was a good one.” He pointed at me and chuckled, which made me break into a smile.

“Whatever, you two. I’m still not convinced. I’m as bloody nervous as a kangaroo before Australia day.” She said, and she crossed her legs. Her right leg started bopping up and down and my brow furrowed.

“Kangaroo on a what-now?”

“Kangaroo before Australia day. We eat kangaroo, bro.”

“Wait, what?! Why?!” I gasped. Kangaroos are so cute!

I don’t. Aussies do. I would, -and I am Australian- but I pretty much have the same opinion as you. They’re freaking adorable.” At that moment, an announcement was made to say that Mom and Dad’s plane had landed. How could I tell? They announced it in like, four or five different languages. Oh, snap. I’m pretty beast. Even though all I had to do was… Listen until… The English one… Played… But! Whatever. Still beast as ever. We sat and waited in silence –everyone else in the food court was not silent, however- as Mom and Dad made their way to where we were. As soon as I saw Mom’s brown hair in the random sea of people, I jumped up from my seat and smiled. As I did, she saw me and her eyes lit up. She grinned widely and ran towards me, giving me a huge hug.

“Oh my gosh, Justin. You’re getting so tall.” She said into my ear.

“Moooommmm!” I whined, “It hasn’t been that long!” We pulled back and she rolled her eyes.

“Well it feels like it, okay?” She chuckled, and I spied Dad through the –now clearing- crowd. Must have been a huge flight leaving. I shrugged it off and quickly looked back to Mom.

“Mom, I love you to death, but I have to go attack Dad in a hug.” I half-ran to Dad and gave him a hug. Yeah, usually sons may give their Dads man-hugs… I think… But I don’t get to see him very often. And I missed him heaps.

“Hey there, son!” He hugged back without hesitation. “Where’s the pretty little lady?” He chuckled and I stood next to him, pointing her out. She was only about twenty feet away, and as soon as Melani saw me pointing her out, she blushed and looked down a little.

“She’s a little nervous about the whole ‘meeting the parents’ thing.” I explained.

“Yeah, I can see that.” He chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll be nice.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I elbowed him lightly.


AN: OMG, It’s legit like, half-past eleven. PM. And I have Naplan tomorrow. (A HUGE test that goes over the course of three days every two years.) Naplan is like, SO important apparently… Apparently employers ask for freaking Naplan results all. The. Time. Which I don’t believe it’s all the time but still. SEE HOW MUCH I LUBB YOU’S?!?!? (No momoomomoo.)

OMGZ, heyy! What has black spots, and goes ‘Oom, Oom!’?????

…Give up?



BAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH! OMG, that’s, like, not even funny!!!! HAHAHHAHAH But I’m laughing anywhoo, because I’m tired. We had naplan yesterday and today. AND today we had cross-country! UGH, they’re wearing us out on PURPOSE! And in the middle of a Cold-snap here in Sydney, too! GAHHHHHAGAHHAGHAGAH. XP

….I DON’T EVEN HAVE A JACKET. IT’S LIKE CANADA OVER HERE. (…….Minus the snow. And frostbite… For now.)



P.S: Imma update as soon as this chapter gets at least seven votes! So don't forget to vote, and mentally slap anyone who doesn't.

P.P.S: I was only kidding. Don't slap people. Slapping people is mean. Even if you're only thinking about doing it. I think. ;)

P.P.P.S: Stay in school, Kiddos!!!


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now