15) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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RECAP: Thanks to the fact the hotel rooms had rope-pull-switches instead of flicky-button-things, this prank would work like a charm. Once she had finished she ran back to her room and grabbed her camcorder. This prank deserved youtube fame... >XD


She pressed the record button and ran out of the rooma and slammed the door behind her. She could crop the part with nothing on it out, plus, Christian would be there to "Turn the light on" soon...

Christian walked into his room heartbrokenly. Imogen must've seen him k- EMILY kiss HIM. He wanted her back so badly, but he knew if he used the "SHE kissed ME" excuse he'd just be given the finger or something. Imogen would just think of it as some random, cliqued, Hollywood-excuse for him actually cheating. But he didn't! He'd never hurt Imogen, and he didn't know of any other lips he'd rather kiss, anyway...

The room was surprisingly dark, and the curtains were closed. He pushed the curtains aside to see the glass had been painted black. What the hell? He walked over and pulled at the light switch, only to be drenched in a bright orange liquid. Orange juice.

'Imogen, It is SO on...' He thought evilly.



Imogen cackled and held her stomach, as if keeping it together. She had watched the video over 30 times, and it was still HILARIOUS! The look on his face!

...It almost made up for her broken heart...


She uploaded it to youtube, and after three minutes that seemed like three hours, the video was free to be watched by the world. Bwahaha. Ha. Ha.

This is war, Christian Beadles. Bring it on.

In two minutes, Imogen got around two hundred THOUSAND views, by people who knew who he was, and people who didn't. People who didn't kept commenting; asking who he was, so she edited the description to explain that christian was Justin Bieber's best friend, and "suddenly" everyone got it. Why couldn't they've just googled it?

'Meh,' Imogen thought, 'Done now... Now to check if Christian's asleep...


A yell of horror erupted through the whole hotel floor. Justin ran out of his room and followed the sound into Christian's hotel room. He and Ryan burst in to find his face covered in permanent marker and whipped cream, and spagetti strung through his hair. Ryan and Justin looked at each other for a split second before bursting into fits of laughter. Chaz burst through the door and didn't need to be told twice; he was already close to tears by the time Melani, Khloe, Imogen and Emily ran in. Soon everyone was laughing at Christian as he tried to scrub off his fake hitler-inspired moustache, monobrow, and Harry Potter glasses at the sink in his ensuite.

"NOT funny!" He yelled and grinded his teeth. He shot Imogen a look that silenced her completely.

That's right Imogen, look out.


Christian shifted again. Hiding in a dryer was NOT ideal.

Or comfortable... But so worth it. He was hiding in the 2nd dryer in the hotel's laundry room; and Imogen was due to do her washing. He could hear her take her clothes out of the washing machine and adrenaline pumped through his veins. He knew Imogen would use the 2nd dryer because 2 was one of her lucky numbers, and Imogen naturally drifted towards anything lucky - Unconsiously, or consiously; That's how Imogen's brain worked.


AN: I BET you love me, don't you? I managed to write 14 + 15 in one day! That means you got 14 a day earlier than I thought I'd be able to get it to you!

(For those who have NO clue what I'm going on about, here is what happened:

-I posted 12 early

-and forgot.

-therefore, I posted 12 again,

-and felt bad as soon as I realized.

-So I posted 13 early, before I had even STARTED 14

-I estimated 2 days time before my next upload

-and proved myself wrong.


As for how I write, lets just say I wrote this chapter, and when I finished it, I uploaded 14. I wrote 16, then uploaded 15.

(I do this in case of emergencies - Like what happened with my double-posting - so I have back-up! :D)

I Love you! (no homo!) (...IF you vote >:D..... JUST KIDDING, JUST KIDDING!!! LMAO!!!)

...My pet Unicorn says "Hey"... :*3

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now