24) Suddenly, i'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Oh my gosh, Emily! You NEED to buy that!" Em squealed.

"Then this is the one!" Emily giggled and went over to the counter with Aishwarya Rai to get it fitted. Meanwhile, Em walked up to the rack Emily was at and she picked out a Saree almost immediately.


Em picked out a pink Saree and caught up to Aishwarya Rai and Emily, without needing a second opinion. Khloe and Em hadn’t talked for the whole time Em had been with them; it was always awkward. Khloe felt bad that she stole Chaz away from Em; she loved him before Khloe even met him... On the other hand, Khloe loved Chaz way too much. And she knew she loved him ten times more than Em ever did. As conflicted as it sounded, there was no way she was wrong. After about ten minutes of spacing out, Melani tapped Khloe on the shoulder politely.

“‘Mon, doll. The girls got their Saree’s, we’re leaving now.” She smiled and Khloe grinned back, following the group of girls out of the store.

“The sun’s going down, we should head back to the hotel...” Melani suggested, and the girls ‘yeap’-ed and ‘yeah’-ed in agreement.

“Thank you SO much for everything, Aishwarya!” Melani smiled hugely and the girls crowded around Aishwarya Rai and she giggled.

“It’s okay, I had a blast!” Everyone said their goodbyes and headed off to the hotel.


Emily unlocked her and Ryan’s room with the hotel key and walked in, turning around to shut the door behind her, before hands flew over her eyes.

“Guess who, baby...” Ryan purred in her ear.

“Ry. Ha. I win.” Emily stifled a giggle.

“Wha? How’d you get it that fast?” Ryan pouted and pulled his hands away, hugging her from behind.

“Firstly, only you call me baby. Secondly, I would recognise your voice from miles away. And thirdly, we share this room - No one else has a key.” She finally let out a giggle.

“Oh.” Ryan snorted, “Right... Can I see your dress for tomorrow?”

“My Saree? Nop. All the girls promised not to show you guys till tomorrow.” Emily grinned mockingly, and Ryan scowled at her.

“Fine. You don’t get to see mine, then.” Ryan pulled his arms away and crossed them over his chest. Emily turned around and smirked.

“Fine with me!” She walked over to the couch and pressed the power button on the remote.

“Oh, come on!” Ryan whined, but Emily didn’t budge. “Ugh, fine. I’ll show you.” Ryan walked towards his room.

“Yay!” Emily squealed, and clapped wildly as he came out with a plastic shopping bag and shoe box. Ryan rolled his eyes and pulled a red outfit out of the bag.

“It’s a “Maroon Brocade Sherwani”” He smiled, reading the tag

“Doesn’t look very “Maroon” to me... What’s in the shoe box?”

“Oh, Justin lent me some Supra’s...” He opened the box and pulled a pair of red patent leather sky tops.

“Ooh, smexi...” Emily winked and Ryan winked back at her.

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours... Oh, god. That sounded so wrong...” Melani scrunched up her face and Justin laughed so hard he fell off the back of the couch. The hotel door opened abruptly and Imogen poked her head in.

“No she won’t! She promised she wouldn’t!” Imogen giggled and disappeared as quickly as she came.

“Sorry, babe. You did promise.” Justin shrugged and Melani’s shoulder’s slumped.

“Fiiiine...” She dropped herself on the couch and Justin used one hand to jump over the back of it sideways, landing so that he was lying down with his head on her lap, looking up at her. He frowned.

“Wanna watch TV?” He suggested and Melani nodded absent-mindedly. He snatched the remote up from the coffee table and turned the TV on. A random bollywood movie came on in Hindi and they both stared at it absent-mindedly. Suddenly, Melani gasped and Justin’s gaze snapped up to her.

“What’s up?” His brow furrowed.

“That’s Aishwarya Rai! We met her at the shops today! She helped us translate what the people were saying at the counters for the whole day... She was so nice...” Melani smiled.

“Awesome, but Mels, don’t do that again. You scared the life out of me!” He clutched his chest and Melani smiled apologetically.

“Sorry, babe...”

“S’oright.” He smiled.


Melani frowned at the TV and tears threatened to form in her eyes. Justin’s brow furrowed... How could she understand this? It’s in Hindi...?

“How do you know what’s going on?” He said, taken aback.

“Huh? ...Oh, well, he just proposed, and she cried, so they must of been so in love... But then he broke her heart by cheating on her. With her sister!”

“How do you know it’s her sister?”

“Everytime the main character visits that old couple -who i’m pretty sure are her parents- she’s there too.”

“...Um, whoah... That guys a tool.” Justin grimaced, finally understanding.

“Yeah.” Melani’s voice cracked, and Justin wrapped his arms around her.

“Aww... It’s okay, you have me, babe.” Justin rubbed her back. “...Besides, your sister’s way too young for me.” Justin joked and Melani pulled back, slapping him lightly in the arm.

“Just kidding, just kidding!” Justin laughed, “...I love you, Melani.” He gave her a small smile.

“I love you too, Justin.” She smiled back, and pecked him on the lips.


So sorry for all this space between chapters, guys! We are just finishing up our yearly’s at school, I got a part in next year’s play (so every Thursday we practice and stuff), and my group for “write-a-book-in-a-day” got THIRD in the STATE! (New South Wales, Australia!) There was 41 entries, and we came THIRD! *happy dance* we wrote a whole (Not any of my wattpad stories) book in a day (duh..) and.. yeah. But @Rebecca_k was in my group, and so was @Writer_mini and @ficnality_moes (aka: @moeymoes96)... (read their stories...?)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now