59) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“That was so great, Melly! I didn’t know you could sing! I mean, I didn’t know you could sing either, Khloe, and you were amazing too, but… Melani. You can sing?!” Justin rambled.

“Everyone can sing, Justin…  Just some people… Shouldn’t.” I snickered and he rolled his eyes. Khloe and Chaz embraced and whispered excitedly in each other’s ears. Justin took my hand and pecked me on the lips.

“You saved ‘er Melly. Thanks.”

“Why are you thanking me?!” I laughed.

“Yeah, Thanks ‘Melly’.” Khloe mocked.

“That’s okay, Khlo.” I rolled my eyes and held Justin’s hand tighter.





“Sweetie, Khloe’s parents sent us the video! You didn’t tell us you’d be performing at Justin’s concert!” My mum congratulated me through the phone with my sister and dad on loudspeaker.

“We’re very proud.” Dad cut in.

“Thanks dad, thanks mum… Thanks Christie.” I chuckled and scratched the back of my head awkwardly. When I helped Khloe out on stage, I didn’t exactly think twice about the attention I’d be getting.

“We have to go, okay? It’s your cousin’s birthday, remember? …Ella?”

“Yes, I remember her! Oh my gosh, mum, just because I’m travelling the world does not mean I’ve forgotten what’s at home… Please wish her a happy birthday for me? …She is talking now, right?”

“Melani, she is turning four.”

“Look, I know you didn’t ever really want me to go on this tour, but It’s just been the best time of my life… And, the people…” I sighed, thinking about all the people I’ve met since I tagged along with Justin and his crew.

“Do you know how long it has left? Are you getting tutored?” Dad asked.

“No, I’ll ask Justin how long and I’ll text you the answer later...” I trailed off awkwardly, realizing I actually hadn’t been doing any school stuff. At all.

Melani… The tutoring? You told us you’d still have an education. But we really have to go; you better be having tutoring. We love you, Bye!” Mum said.

“Bye! Love you!”



“We have to finish up in Europe, and… Yeah.” Justin’s face fell and he frowned. “Then the tour’s done. Home time.”

“Oh…” I bit my lip and looked down, “I’m really gonna miss you, Justin…” I whispered.

“You too, Melly.” He pulled me into a hug.

“And um, another question…” I said after a few moments of silence.



“Oh, shi-“ He cut off, and covered my mouth, “Not too loud, Scooter might hear you.” We giggled, just as Scooter’s hotel door opened. Oh shit.

“Hear what, Justin?” He asked sternly.

“Um, we...” He stuttered.

“Left fingerprints on the window!” I burst out, and acted ashamed.

“We’re sorry!” Justin played along, biting his lip. Scooter’s face turned confused for half a second, and then into an expression of recognition.

“What’s going on, kids?” He crossed his arms, and we stayed quiet. “Spit it out, Justin. Or I won’t get the Xbox flown over.”

“Tutoring!” I blurted, and they both looked at me like I was crazy. “What? …I like COD…” I looked down.

“Really? Seriously? Wow… Imma have to beat you when we get it on tour with us.” Justin chuckled.

“Oh, yeah, good luck with that!” I laughed, and poked his shoulder.



“And then what’s that make it now?”

“240,006?” I answered, unsure.

“Yes!” Jenny smiled.I was so bored, but I could still get answers right.

“I knew that.” Justin blew a raspberry.


AN: yeah, I’m ending it there cause in the next bit I’m skipping. A LOT. Like, till the end of the tour. BUT IT’S NOT THE END, AMIGOS! ...You shall see…… OwO

There's gonna be heaps more and I shall be introducing vital characters... And some more stufferino. ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote! <3 

 Thanks for reading, btw. I appreciate it more than you think I do. :D

I love yall!

(no homo)


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now