39) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Uh, oh.. What is it?" I shuffled closer to him and looked at the magazine from over his shoulder, to see a picture of Justin and I, with a red circle around my stomach. Oh, that's NEVER a good sign. "Um, does this mean Scooter's gonna kill me now...?"

"N-No... I dunno... But, I h-haven't even told my mom we were dating... Sh-she's been on a cruise with my grandparents and... And..."

"And? Just tell her we're dating; It's an Italian magazine anywhoo." I shrugged and he shook his head, closing the magazine. The front cover looked freakishly like OK magazine... Oh that ain't good. "Um... Maybe you should call her and tell her we're dating, and explain that there are rumours going around..."

"Yeah, wish me luck with THAT..." He breathed, and I don't think I was meant to hear. "Mm-hmm." He put the magazine back on the shelf and we walked out of the store. He pulled his phone out of... Mid... Air... Again. Okay, when we get back to the hotel I am pinning him down till he tells me how he does that. Oh, Cheezels, that sounded kinda dirty... Oopsies. I could hear the phone purring as the call connected, and Justin bit his lip. I think I should be nervous. Oh, god...




“Hello?” Here we go... I closed my eyes nervously and continued chewing on my lip.

“H-Hey, Mommy!” I tried to sound natural, but instead, everything sounded forced; even though it kinda was. This is gonna be ONE DRAMATIC phone call...

“Justin? Are you okay?”

“I’m dating a girl and people think she’s preggerz but she’s not.” I said in one breath, REALLY QUICKLY, but I knew she could understand what I said. Moms’re like that.

“Justin! I told you to be CAREFUL! You’ll lose fans, Justin! Do you WANT that?! And, she’s just using you for fame; they all are!” She screamed, and I blinked in surprise.


“Uh, um... Th-i-She-She’s not... Using me...” Justin stuttered. I stumbled backwards and tears begun welling in my eyes. Why did he sound so unsure? Why wasn’t he standing up for me? He couldn’t SERIOUSLY believe her... Could he? I thought he loved me... I ran towards the exit and barely missed the slow-opening glass auto-doors. I looked behind myself for a split second, and Justin hadn’t even noticed I was gone. Oh my god... He’s gonna break up with me... And I’ll never be let near him again... Or-OMG, I’ll never be let near my best friends again! I stopped in my tracks, and just stood there, processing what was going on. I’ll never see Imogen, Khloe, or Emily again... I’ll never be in a Christian Beadles prank war again, I’ll never go mind-ninja on Ryan for breaking Emily’s heart again... Actually, I never wanna have to do that again. At least there’s ONE thing I won’t miss... But I’ll never hear Chaz TRYING to sing again... Okay, I miiiight not miss that, either, but... I’ll never kiss Justin Drew Bieber again. I’ll never be allowed within an arms reach... The tears that threatened to fall, burst out over my cheeks like a dam that just collapsed. Instead of driving me around, Kenny’ll be stopping me from telling Justin that I really did love him, and that he was -and is- my whole world... Before I knew it, I was walking through the doors to the hotel, and making my way towards the elevator. How the heck did I get here?! ...Oh well, I should probably get my shit before I’m banished from the best time of my life. The elevator doors dinged shut and I burst out crying again.

“Melani?! What’s wrong?!” Christian’s voice sounded from next to me. I just put my head it my hands, and continued crying. This might be the last time I see him again... Now I regret not spending so much time with everyone... The doors dinged open, and I walked down the hallway, without stopping, until I reached Justin and my room.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now