45) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and...

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*Melani and Justin have just gotten out of a minor car accident without damage to themselves or the super-duper car of awesome*


“We have 25 minutes ‘till the meet us for the movie.” I thought about the time for a moment, “We’re gonna get back to the hotel so late…” I scrunched up my face, imagining how tired we were all going to be.

“Have we even eaten dinner yet?” Justin answered his own question when his stomach rumbled.



(AN: DO IT NOW, CUZ YOU CAN AND I TOLD YOU TO! (Parlez vous François – Art vs. Science))

“Let’s go eat and we’ll check the movie time when the what’s-his-face-translator-dude gets here with everyone else.” Justin leant over to the glove box and grabbed the two pairs of sunglasses. We put them on and I smiled; I love Ray Bans… We both got out and walked to the boot of the car.

“Hey, didn’t you say Imogen could speak Italian…?” Justin’s brow furrowed.

“Oh my god, yeah!” I face palmed. “Oh well, probably too late now, anywhoo.” We made our way in and around the shopping centre, giggling as we passed the shop with the Jelani tee. When we entered the food court, I –yet again- failed to think of how the hell we were supposed to order our food, when neither of us could speak even a word of Italian.

“We gotta try…” Justin saw my facial expression and could suddenly hack into my mind and read my thoughts, because that’s like, totally normal and stuff. Oh-kayyy…

“Where would be the easiest?” I sighed, giving in.

“Mickey D’s.” Justin pointed to a store with the trademark golden ‘M’, but the name was… In English… Huh. Unexpected… I didn’t even see that last time. “Considering it just happens to be the only thing actually open.”

“Pfft, you mean Macca’s?”

“Um, yeah, okay… Sureeee…” he gave me a funny look and took my hand. Yeah, I knew him that well, that I could tell when he was pulling a face, even under Ray Bans. …LOL, JOKES. It’s cause I’m AWESOME. He led me to ‘Mickey D’s’, or whatever ri-DONKULOUS name he wanted to call it, and joined the typically long line. Even at night, Macca’s was still Macca’s. When we finally reached the front, the chick said something random in Italian, probably along the lines of:

“How can I help you?”

“One-“ Justin held up one finger, then pointed to the picture of the big mac combo on the overhead menus, “Big mac combo…? Meal…?” Somehow, the chick knew what he was saying, or at least she thought she did, because she punched random stuff into the register, and green Italian writing popped up on the little screen.

“Make that two.” I held up two fingers and pointed to the screen with the green writing. She smiled and punched stuff in again, until something popped up on the screen. Same writing, different number. I think. She then made a ‘Drinking’ gesture and pointed to the drinks machine. Justin turned and looked at me expectantly.

“Coke, please.” I smiled and he returned it, turning back to the chick. He thought for a second and bit his lip.

“Coca-Cola, please…” He spoke very slowly, hoping she’d pick up; And she did.  She pulled out three different sized cups and –possibly- said the Italian word for ‘size’. Justin held up one finger and pointed to the largest cup. He –yet again- looked at me expectantly. I did the same as him, only this time pointing to the medium cup. When we eventually got our order and sat at an empty table, I spied a watch on Justin’s wrist.

“Is that Italian time?” I pointed to his wrist and he nodded, opening the paper bag. I snatched his wrist and chuckled evilly as I read it. 9:35. 10 minutes. We better hurry up and eat; the cinemas are on the other side of the shopping centre. AND Scooter and Kenny were ALWAYS early. To everything. Even doctors appointments, even though we all know when they say “2pm,” they mean “2-THIRTY pm.”

“Goshes! Gotta hurry! Ten minutes!” I quickly opened my burger box and began eating straight away.


AN: Ain’t I AWESOME?! Oh yah. And btw, yes, this is technically part two of chapter 44.  It was THAT long. (STILL DIRTY XD HAHA) But seriously, you got two chapters, so smile, be happy, and proclaim your love for me by voting, because you all know that:



PS: Did I save the white squirrels with the red eyes in time? D:


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now