62) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“We missed you!” Mum hugged me tighter, and then both she and my dad let go.

“I missed you guys too…” I smiled and they took my bags. We all walked inside the warm house and we put my bags down in front of my room. They’re gonna be fun to unpack… Mum and dad walked into the family room smiling like crazy.

“So, what was it like being a groupie?” Mum laughed, and I rolled my eyes.








“I’m just gonna start school again on Monday. I mean, mum’s already checked that it’s cool I’m coming back, so… Yeah, you might wanna get your parents to call up too.” I said into the phone, swinging my feet up onto the couch and earning a glare from my sister, Isabel, who was sitting right next to my feet.

“Nah, it’s alright, I’ve already called up. But Mason is going to attack us the moment we set foot in school. We better wear padding.” Melani giggled through the phone, and I giggled too as Isabel pushed my feet off the couch with a colossally childish pout.

“What about Khloe and Imogen?”

“I know Khloe’s called up, but you may need to double-check with Ims if she has… Hey! You free this afternoon?”

“Psh, yeah, what do you think I’d seriously be doing? No one even knows we’re back yet… I think… Yeah, why?”

“I wanna go bowling.”

“Okay,” I laughed, “You call up Imogen, I’ll call up Khloe. And don’t forget to make sure she’s allowed back in school.” I smiled through the phone, and slowly sat upright.

“Alright! See ya!”

“Bye, darl!” I hung up and immediately called Khloe’s number.




“Yeah but you do know it’s Friday. So no one will be there…” I snickered as I heard Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” being sung from behind my bedroom door. “Adios, Madelena!” I heard her grumble, but walk away.

“Exactly.” Melani giggled.

“Okay, we’ll meet at three, yeah? Text Emily.”

“K, see yah Khlo.”

“See yah.”




‘Ye shes comin & shes called up the skool. All gud (:’ I texted Emily. Within minutes, I got another text, but it wasn’t from Emily; it was from Twitter.

‘@justinbieber: Wishin my girl had twitter so I could msg her every day tellin how much I love her…’ I looked through my text inbox, and there was like a billion others from last night, saying pretty much the same thing. I think Khloe was right. Justin and I are pretty tight. I’m probably just nervous about going back to school and probably being treated like a celebrity. I should probably text him my twitter name… I made it as soon as I got home, and kept trying to tweet him my user, but it was almost impossible to get his attention. So texting it was.

‘I made a twitter-aren’t u proud?! Lol its @mellystarkinator ;)’ I pressed send and checked my inbox again.



Emily – ‘what time?’

Melani - ‘3. cya therrrr! <3 xx’

Emily - ‘Aighty (: x’

Justin – ‘OMG yay! :D followed! <3 lovee yu Mels!’

Melani – ‘LOL, ily too Bieber ;) x’



(You know what I mean). ;)


I got up and walked into the kitchen. I made myself lunch, and when I was done, I walked back to my room to get dressed. I opened my closet and smiled. Now there’s something else I missed. I picked out a pair of skinnys and my white Lonsdale tank top. Since it was freaking winter, I had to get a black and white striped long sleeve tee to wear under it, and a random black parka. I grabbed enough money so that I could pitch in for the bowling game and walked towards mum and dad’s bedroom door.

“Hey, guys, it’s cool if I go bowling, right?” I said, knocking on the door.

“Yeah, hang on, I’ll drive you!” I heard mum pick up her keys and she opened the door in front of me.


AN: So yeah, next chapter I might just skip to their first day back at school… hehe, this shall be fun! Dramaaaaaa (;




My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now