42) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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“Yes, babe?!” He yelled, and I heard banging from the room. What the heck was he doing in there?! I walked down the hall and into the room, catching Justin halfway through sticky taping pots and pans to his body.

“Not you too!” I face-palmed again and ‘tisk’ed.

“Heh... Heh...?” He kept eye contact with me as he cut a piece of sticky tape, barely missing his arm.

“Justin! Watch what you’re doing!” I walked closer and grabbed the scissors off of him. Realizing what he had almost done, his mouth turned into a little ‘o’.

“Heh. Oopsies.” He made his neck shorter and smiled guiltily. I looked around the room, but didn’t find what I was looking for. Safety scissors. Y’now, those ones that little kids use?

“We need to buy you some safety scissors...” I murmured, and Justin perked up.

“OH! Can I come?!”

“Yes, Justin, you can come...” My brow furrowed and I shook my head slowly, smiling.

“Like this?!” He grinned, and, well.... Could YOU say no to a Bieber smile?! ...That’s what I thought.

“Fine, but at your own risk...” I shrugged and he fist-pumped.





We walked towards the elevator, and when the doors -finally- opened, I saw three people standing inside, but didn’t take much notice. I just walked straight to the back, and Justin followed; Luckily it was a large elevator - There was still room left for at least four people. When the doors shut, a lightbulb practically appeared above my head. If Justin could have fun with pots and pans, then I can prank somebody - at the least. Prank a stranger time. MWAHAHA. I looked at the people in the elevator with us and my eyes laid on a girl who looked a little older than Justin - And I decided she was my target. *insert evil laugh here* I stared at her continuously with my most serious expression until her brow furrowed and she looked at me questioningly. Showtime. I tried -successfully- to hold my serious expression as I leant over towards her.

“I got new socks today - Wanna see?!” I whispered loudly and her eyes widened. I heard Justin’s muffled laughter and I fought the strong urge to burst out laughing.

“Um, Uh, n-no th-thanks...” She stuttered, before the doors dinged and slid open gracefully. The six of us all exited the hotel together - wasn’t much of a choice, seeing as we were all leaving - , but we parted ways when we walked to completely opposite sides of the hotel carpark. The millisecond we were sure we were out of earshot, Justin and I doubled over laughing, tears springing to our eyes.

“Did you SEE their faces when we walked in and saw this?!” He gestured to the pots and pants stuck to his knees, “And then you totally FREAKED that chick out!” After about five minutes of tearful laughing, Justin gathered his metallic self over to the passenger side of some random, expensive-looking black car and opened the door without even unlocking it.

“Justin! What are you doing?! If it’s unlocked, then leave it! We can’t have criminal records - Especially YOU!” I gaped, until he laughed, and my face grew into a questioning expression.

“Melani, it unlocks without a key.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can just STEAL it! It’s a nice car and all, but...” I looked around the parking lot and ran my fingers through my hair. “Where’s your midget car?” I looked back at him and he smiled, fishing something out of his pocket. He held it up and it looked like a little remote. Huh?

“I got Scooter to take it back, and get a REAL car.” He smirked, “Wanna drive?” He threw the remote at me and I caught it, but shook my head.

“I can’t drive, Justin.”

“Huh? Oh, well then today’s your lucky day! Driving instructor Bieber, at your service!” he clicked his heels and saluted, grinning like an idiot when he heard the pots and pans bang together.

“Justin,” I frowned and looked down, “You do know how old I am, right?”

“Huh? Oh, um, no... I don’t actually... How old are you?”

“I-I’m fourteen in June...” I bit my lip and looked up at him nervously.


AN: Sorry for the shortness, but I HAD to stop it there... Because I’m evil like that. :)

To fight?

Or NOT to Fight?!

THAT IS THE QUESTION!!! *Holds up fake human skull*

Ooh! And guess what I did?! I went over to one of my besties' house and we made CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES! They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!! Everytime you eat them, you feel like drinking a glass of milk, and then devouring the rest. :DD Her name is JojO, and she's a Bieber-hater, but she's still absolutely, 100%, epically AWESOME. 

Who watches WWE? Ted DiBiase is hot... JojO's been a mizfit for as long as she can remember... I think... XD But seriously, the boogeyman was SO FREAKY. And..... THE ROCK IS BACK!! :DDDDDDD

I love y’all!

(No homo!)


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now