20) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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"I know you want to kiss me, Bieber." Melani narrowed her eyes mockingly at Justin.

"Pfft, No..."

"Pfft-Yeah. ...You know it." She smirked.

"Whatever. Doesn't mean I'm gonna." Justin rolled his eyes and Melani laughed.

"SURE, Biebsy... Whatever lets you sleep at night..." Melani chuckled to herself. Justin knew it was true; he couldn't help it. He was alone with her, in a small space. He gulped, trying to hold himself back. He got butterflies in his stomach and his feet moved automatically. He stepped towards Melani and before he knew it, he was kissing her.

AN: OMG my microsoft word was bitching and it decided to delete this as a document and replace it with GIBBERISH (aka: computer babble) so I have to write this chapter AGAIN! all that was like, safe, was the half of the last paragraph... -_- Now i'm using Google Docs... :/ BLECH.

Not that it's bad or anything, just I would rather not write the same thing twice over... :(


There was a knock at the door and Melani jumped in shock, and pulled away.

"What the hell? I didn't want you to REALLY kiss me!" Melani said under her breath.

"Time's up guys!" Ryan yelled through the door.

"But, you kissed back...?" Justin whispered, confused.

"You caught me off guard, Justin. I wasn't paying much attention." Melani shot back, and Justin rolled his eyes.

"You WOULD say that." He said, raising his voice to a normal volume/tone. He walked out and Melani followed him.

"So... What'd you guys do?" Emily said, and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Argued." Melani scowled and stormed out of the room.


Melani explained what happened in the closet to Imogen. They were both in Melani's room, sitting on her bed.

"Technically, you DID kiss him back..."

"Yeah, but I was distracted! ...It happened so fast, I didn't even see him walking up to me..."

"I'm not surprised, the closets here are like, 3 inches deep!" Imogen complained, and Melani laughed.

"I still wanna make sure he doesn't do it again. You know me, Ims, I'll kiss back, want more, and before we know it... back together again! I'm kinda still angry at him, y'now?"

"Well, after what he said... It wasn't nice of him. But, he was also right. You need to accept the fact that Ry and Emily are together. And most of all, that Ryan REALLY loves Emily." Imogen stared Melani down, and she sighed in defeat.

"...I know... It's just, I hate seeing my friends heartbroken. I think pretty big of you guys, you know that? When you're down, I'm down.... No matter how freakishly corny that sounds." Melani laughed, realising how stupid she must sound.

"Yeah, I know... Well, in 20 minutes we'll be on the plane, right?"


"Lead him to the bathrooms, make out with him for, like, ten minutes, tell him you gotta get something, walk out and sit back in your seat. THEN, just sit back and see how long it takes for him to come out and realise you've "Forgotten" about him." Imogen grinned evilly.

"That's pretty mean, but I guess if i buys me some time before I KNOW I'll try and get back with him... What if he distracts me again...?"

"If you don't come out within ten minutes, I'll come and... think of something."

"Mmkay. ...Oh, I don't know, it seems pretty mean..."

"I know it does, but, like you said. You need time to forgive him."

"Y'now, what he said wasn't THAT bad..."

"DUDE! He asked if you we're on your period. Guys should NEVER say that to a girl! He said you have trust issues! He practically accused you of tryna break Ry and Emily up! Not that bad?!"

"Ugh, I wish I would've just... not fought with him! He's kinda a jerk when he's angry..." Melani scowled.


"Hey, Justin, I needa show you something..." Melani whispered into Justin's ear. She touched his bicep and got up, leading him to the bathroom. When they got there, she opened the door and dragged him in by his collar. She immediately began kissing him, and after a few seconds, he began kissing back. Melani felt his hands slowly rub up against her sides, and then he touched her boobs, almost making her flinch.

'So, he thinks he's getting it?! OMG this prank will be like, two hundred times funnier!' Melani thought, and she pulled away.

"I'll be right back, baby..." She smiled sexily and walked to the door. "Stay here." She winked at Justin and went out the door. Melani sat down in her seat, smiling and laughing wickedly, and Imogen giggled.

"I almost thought you'd forgotten; I was gonna do a knock 'n' run on you's!" Imogen snickered.


Twenty minutes later, Justin walked back into the area where the seats are, only to see Melani laughing and talking with Christian and Imogen, who were behind her.

"I thought you said you'd be right back, Melani...?" Justin furrowed his brow and Melani turned back into her seat properly to look at him.

"I, uh, huh. I guess I must've FORGOTTEN..." Melani burst into a fit of laughter, along with Imogen.

"Oh, I see how it is. Very funny Melody." He scowled, and his heart broke. He at least wanted to get back together with her!

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now