63) My bestfriends fell in love with your best friends...

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I got up and walked into the kitchen. I made myself lunch, and when I was done, I walked back to my room to get dressed. I opened my closet and smiled. Now there’s something else I missed. I picked out a pair of skinnys and my white Lonsdale tank top. Since it was freaking winter, I had to get a black and white striped long sleeve tee to wear under it, and a random black parka. I grabbed enough money so that I could pitch in for the bowling game and walke towards mum and dad’s bedroom door.

“Hey, guys, it’s cool if I go bowling, right? I said, knocking on the door.

“Yeah, hang on, I’ll drive you!” I heard mum pick up her keys and she opened the door in front of me.



Oh my god, I’m alive guys, LOOK! I’m writing! How exciting! :’)

Like I said in the last Author Note, I’m skipping to the first day of school, and new characters are cooooooming!

So exciting!


I would’ve posted so much earlier but when I changed high schools, they took my laptop without letting me back. It. Up.






I walked in the gates with Imogen by my side; her mum got sick, so dad picked her up on the way to school. We were so nervous, and not used to the crowds anymore. I missed my tutor.

“Can’t we drop out…?” Imogen mumbled.

“I wish, stuff being young sometimes.” We walked down the familiar pathways to get to the table where Mason should’ve been sitting. I was so excited to see her, where was she? Imogen and I looked at each other in confusion. Suddenly, Imogen’s gaze moved to the kennel. In other words, the table under a little shade sail, like a cheap gazebo, where all the dogs liked to sit and pretend to eat. I whipped my head around and saw the exact opposite of what I wanted to see. Mason airkissed the Chihuahua and pulled out a “Salad”.

“What is this shit?” Imogen was pulling a shocked expression, exactly like my own. “Who’s the new girl; she looks just like Mason!”

So maybe she was shocked for a different reason…

“Mason, honey.” I said, and her eyes widened.

“No, can’t be. Mason doesn’t wear collars.” She said in all seriousness and I snickered.

“Well she’s sitting with them. Something must’ve happened when we were gone…”

“I bet they kidnapped her family and planted a microchip in her brain. That’s not Mason.”

“I agree… But your theory’s a bit… much. Maybe she was just really lonely?” I pouted in thought and Mason spotted us. She winked and barked. Imogen and I were just… Very taken aback.

“Did she…?”

“She did…?” Next thing we knew, Mason ran towards us and tackled us both in a hug. I laughed. “I found her.”

“You guys. I’ve been eating dog food; it’s been so bad, so bad! No more leaving allowed. You’re staying with me forever!” She pulled away and I caught my breath. I saw Mason had tears in her eyes.

“Aw!” Imogen cooed, rubbing her ribcage and frowning.

“But guess what!” She wiped her eyes and smiled. We gave her questioning looks and she continued, “There’s a new girl. She’s hot.” We looked at her strangely and her eyes widened. “Oh, no! Not like… I mean… She’s hot, yeah but I don’t like her. Well I do but-“She sighed and started again. “Her name’s Krystal. She’s hot. I like doodles.” We snickered and I nodded.

“Okay, where is she?”

“In the bushes, stupid, where do you think she is?” She pointed towards the kennel as a brunette looked up at as from afar. She giggled and barked at Mason, making her laugh. The bulldog looked at them both, confused, and went back to her pile of lettuce scraps. Mason motioned for her to come over and she skipped over gracefully. She actually was hot. Not that I was lesbian, but she was so pretty you couldn’t not admit she was hot. She had black-brown hair and red, full lips. Her light blue eyes noticed me staring.

“Oh, I’m Krystal!” She giggled and smiled again.

“Melani,” Ims pointed to me and then to herself, “Imogen” We smiled and Emily came texting over to me, hitting a pole with her shoulder when she wasn’t paying attention.

Ow! Khloe’s on the bus, Mel, she’ll be here in a sec.” She began to look up but got half-tackled to the floor before she could talk anymore. “Oh, Jesus juice. Mase. Lungs, please.” Mason laughed and loosened the hug a bit. Emily caught her breath as Mason bolted back up the pathway to tackle another unsuspecting girl. When she pried herself off of her, I saw it was Khloe. Krystal introduced herself to Emily and Emily to Krystal. Suddenly my phone buzzed.

‘Miss @mellystarkinator is starting school again today! Good luck!’ It was a mention from Justin.

‘@Justinbieber woop. Yeah, the joy. ♡… Just kidding. It’s going to be so lame! L’ I tweeted, and put my phone back in my pocket.


AN: Shoutout to @Jenbis’ short story! J

I feel so happy, I wrote this all today and am finally uploading! :’)

Self pride, my Beliebers.

I love you all, no homo! Xoxoxo

PS: I’m creating a @Mellystarkinator on Twitter, lets see if we can get Justin to follow it! How cool would that be!? x

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now