47) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and...

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I was focused on the opening few seconds of the movie, until I saw Melani practically attack Justin the moment the lights dimmed, in the corner of my eye. What a great idea… I turned to Chaz, and he looked at me at the exact same time, obviously with the exact same idea engraved into his head. BOO-YEAH! We both leant in at the same time, our lips meeting in the middle. He licked my lips within seconds, so opened my mouth slightly, without even having to think about it. Daily routine, biatches! *wink, wink* We made out for what felt like seconds, but when we pulled apart for a breather, the movie was already started. Properly, anyway.



I heard some big bang and some chick that looked like Ke$ha walked away from some totally random explosion. All of a sudden, I felt a hand wrap around my waist on my left, the opposite side of Chaz. I jumped a little as the hand pulled at my shirt and rested on my skin on my hip, but relaxed when I felt an arm resting across my back; Chaz’s. So that meant the hand belonged to Chaz, and that the fact that his hand was slowly rising to the warm skin on my waist… Where is his lips?! I need to kiss him. Now.



“Have a good time?” Justin asked me, as he placed his blackberry on the bedside table and walked up to me, picking me up by the waist, which caused me to squeal in surprise.

“Y-yes!” I giggled, as he twirled me around, “What’s with the sudden… Swirlyness?”

“Nothing. Just so amazingly grateful to have you!” He set me down and put his hands on either side of my face. He leant in and pecked my lips twice. He smirked and pushed me backwards onto the newly made bed. My eyes widened whilst I fell, because I had completely forgotten that it was even there. I mean c’mon, Justin Drew Bieber was kissing me. Distracting stuff, that. He held up his hand like a claw and growled, making a scratching motion in the air in front of him. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled darkly. “I’m a sex panther, baby. Hear me roar…” He winked seductively and I laughed. He scoffed and faked hurt. “I’m not kidding, Mels!” Eventually, he chuckled and turned and jumped backwards onto the bed. We talked for about ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Justin sang. …Literally. The sound of it made my heart skip a beat and butterflies crowded my stomach for a few seconds. Scooter walked through the door with his phone, a diary-ish looking book and a expensive pen. I could tell he meant business, before he even opened his mouth.

“Melani, Justin,” He nodded in greeting and he opened his diary, but on the front it said ‘Schedule book’, so I’m guessing it was a schedule book. Just a guess. Haha… “We haven’t been doing much here apart from filming the music video, so I organised a concert in two nights from now, and another one two days after. On the day in between, you’ve been invited to about three different radio shows that all have translators. So no need for anyone to spontaneously know any languages.” He pointed to different things in his schedule book while he spoke. He turned it around and handed it down to Justin, who was still seated next to me on the bed. Justin read through the three days.

“Okay… The same as we rehearsed for the last concerts?”

“Exactly.” He took the book off Justin and shut it with a thump. “Now sleep, you two. You have most of yesterday to rest, but you still need your sleep. It’s like,” He looked at the digital alarm clock on my side of the bed. “Past midnight. So sleep. Now.” He turned and left, eyes glued to his phone.

“Imma have a quick shower and get dressed in the bathroom…” I walked over to my bag and grabbed my pyjamas.

“Mmkay… Imma get dressed here, and have a shower in the mornin’…”He smiled toothily and I smiled back, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.


I almost couldn’t let her go in there; I had to convince myself over and over that she’d be fine. I was so scared to lose her again… I’d have to get Chaz to keep an eye on her or something while I had a shower the next day. I think I was beginning to get a bit… Obsessed. …Ugh, but I love her so much… I don’t know how I lived without her. I tried but failed to get it off my mind so I pulled out my iPhone and dialled a number on speed dial. It rung for about for a few rings and I bit my lip, hoping I had the time zones right, until it was picked up.

“Harro?” A cute little girl’s voice sounded through the phone.

“Hey Jazzy! How are you!” I grinned and she gasped.

“BIEBAR! Biebar!” She squealed, and I could imagine her jumping up and down.

“What’s up?” I chuckled.

“Biiieebbar!” She giggled and I heard a conversation in the background.

“Justin?” I heard my dad’s familiar voice and my grin turned into a small, appreciative smile.

“Hey dad.”

“Hey son! How’s the tour going?”

“Better than you could imagine…” I sighed and sat on the end of the bed, staring into space.

“A girl?”

“Yeah…” I trailed.

“Be careful, Justin. We can’t have you heartbroken; your fans need you.”

“I know… She wouldn’t do that… I love her dad…”

“What’s her name? Can I meet her?” His voice was filled with support. I love my mom to death, but there’s times like these when I need my dad.

“Melani… And she’s on tour with me. Tag along at the same time as mom… You’ll love her…” I hope…

“Sure thing. But I’ll have to pass it by the mrs, aight?”

“Can’t wait… Jazmyn still hasn’t leart much, ayy?” I chuckled as I took my top off, setting the phone on speaker so I could hear him.

“Not too much, but she is learning.”

“She’s growing up too fast, dad!” I cried jokingly.

“Tell me about it! Before we know it, Jazzy and Jax will graduate!”

“Oh gosh, don’t even mention it! That’s scary. Imagine how old I’ll be then!”

“No, imagine how old I’ll be then!” We laughed. He could always cheer me up.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now