54) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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In three short minutes, suddenly my biggest dream was thrown in front of me… But I didn’t know if I could even sing in front of that many people; There were always thousands at his concerts…

“And if you’re nervous, I could help you overcome it… And, and… I’d do whatever! Like, seriously, I need your help right now, Khlo…” He pouted –again- and I blinked.

“Don’t let him force you, Khloe, If you don’t wanna, then-“ Chaz started to defend me.

“No, No… I wanna do it… But I am… n-nervous… How are you meant to help me over come it…?” I interrupted him and the biggest smile ever made it’s way onto Justin’s face.

“I OWE YOU A BILLION, KHLOE!” He hugged me really tightly.

“Whoah, careful with the hands, bro…” I warned and Chaz perked up almost immediately.

“Alright, Back off, Justin… Enough’s enough.” He walked next to me protectively and Justin let go.

“Heh… Right… Got carried away…”

“Just a bit…” I joked sarcastically, and rolled my eyes.





Chaz and I sat on the chairs in the audience and watched as Scooter talked to Khloe and a few other people from the ‘my world tour’ crew on the stage. They were –still- discussing the songs and dances that Khloe would perform as my support act, after a whole day of finding songs that suited her voice, and yadda, yadda, yadda. I was so happy she was doing this!

Note to self: Thank Khloe again for saving my ass.

“I didn’t even know she could sing…” Chaz mumbled, and I turned to see him gazing at Khloe admirably.

“No one did, Chazella.” I smirked devilishly at the girlish nickname I had given him in India.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that, Justine.” He murmured, still in his daze.

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

“No you shut up”

“Why should I shut up? You should totally shut up.” He scowled, still not looking away from Khloe, but his full attention was on me.

“No way, man, you’re going to shut up way before I am.” I retorted, and he narrowed his eyes, his head turning towards me as he glared at me.

“Oh yeah?”

“Oh-ho-ho yeah.” I chuckled.

“Remember what happened last time you said that, Justine?” He raised an eyebrow, and I opened my mouth to talk, but closed it again after thinking twice. “Yeah, that’s right. You lost at hockey. To me. And you had to pay me how much, Justin?” I scowled and glared at the wall behind him. “How much, Justin?” He laughed through his eyes -If that made any sense at all…- and smirked.

“Forty dollars…” I mumbled quietly.

“What was that, Justin?” He turned his head to the side and cupped the ear closest to me.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now