10) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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Emily had almost walked out of the room when Justin walked in.

"Who's coming to my concert tonight?!" he smiled.

"I'll go..." Emily muttered, "I need to get my mind off some things..." she walked past him and through the door.

"What's up with her? Are you coming tonight?" Justin smiled weakly.

"I dunno, and nah, man. I really gotta sleep; being my hyperactive self is tiring sometimes, you know?" Christian laughed and closed his eyes, leaning back into the chair.

"Kay dude... But Imogen's coming with, are you sure you wanna stay?"

"We can survive for a few hours apart..." Christian yawned.

Khloe walked into the arena and grabbed Ryans hand as soon as She knew Chaz could see it. Ryan looked down at her and smiled reassuringly.

Chaz's heart broke more when Khloe grabbed Ryan's hand. Is this how Ryan felt about Em? Is that why he acts all agro near Chaz? Chaz loved Em, so why is he suddenly filled with jealousy towards Ryan, when he's going out with someone who's only a friend? Maybe... No.

...Is it possible to love two people at once? Suddenly, something clicked in Chaz's mind.

Imogen bet Christian was glad he hadn't come to Justin's concert tonight. If he had, she wouldn't be able to hold her anger and her hurt in. WHY did Christian kiss her, if all he was gonna do was go and kiss her best friend?! She loved him... And he broke her heart.

Typical, immature male.

AN: sorry if it's short, it's kinda hard to tell how long chapters are on iPod notes...

(@little_miss_dream101 wanted me to start writing this early... so thank her) ;))

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now