22) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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“...Okay.” Justin nodded and Chaz’s eyes lit up like a fat kid being given a lollipop.

“YAY!” Chaz jumped around happily, and Justin laughed.

“Sometimes I question your straight-ness, Chaz.” He joked.

“I... Don’t... Care!... Em’s... coming... with us!” Chaz said in between jumps.

“Are you SURE you think of her only as a friend?”

“Yeaaahhhh!” Chaz stopped bounding, “A best friend, though!... I love Khloe as more, though JBiebs, you KNOW that!” Chaz smiled.


Chaz bit his lip nervously and Khloe hugged him from the side.

“She’s gonna be okay, baby...” Khloe whispered, and rubbed his back.

“But, what if she’s injured? Like, REALLY badly?!”

“I’m sure she’s okay.” Just then, the people on Em’s plane were allowed to walk out to the airport. Em came around the corner and Chaz sighed when he saw no bruises or bad injuries.


Em had settled in with them in the Phillipines, but Chaz was still paranoid about Em’s dad. Khloe knew he only thought of Em as a friend, but she still felt neglected. He hadn’t talked to her much at all.

“Chaz...?” Khloe asked, acting more upset than she was. Maybe she could get him to notice her for just a moment... It wasn’t wrong for a girl to want at least a LITTLE attention from her boyfriend... Chaz turned around and his sad face turned sadder when he saw Khloe’s expression.

“What’s up, babe?”

“...Are you mad at me?” Khloe pushed her bottom lip out. She knew he couldn’t resist her when she did that.

“What?! No! Why would you think that?!” He asked, taken aback.

“It’s just... I know you’re Em’s friend and stuff, but... You don’t talk to me as much... And we haven’t even kissed for the whole time we’ve been in the Phillipines...” Chaz hugged Khloe for a few seconds, before pulling his head back, his arms still around her waist.

“I’m so sorry, Khloe... I’m just... y’now, Em’s dad is abusive... I used to know him, and he was really nice. You’d have never thought that... yeah. I guess the divorce really took a toll on him.”

“It’s mmkay, baby.” Khloe leant up on her tip-toes and kissed Chaz on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her waist closer to him.




Em’s dad was jailed and Khloe and Chaz’s relationship was as strong as ever.


Ryan and Emily were going well too, and so were Melani and Justin. Even Imogen and Christian hadn’t pulled any pranks on each other, or had any fights. Although everyone seemed to be forgetting about friendships. They were in India now, and everyone was captivated by the beautiful culture and the colourful dress. They were all invited to a festival for ‘Baisakhi’, which is basically their new-years’ day. The girls all went out shopping for Saree's while the guys went out and bought the traditional men's dress.

(AN: dress as in clothing, not wearing a dress... haha just making sure) ;)

“OH. MY. CHEESECAKE.” Imogen stopped in front of one of the shops and spied a one-shoulder, orange Saree with beading near the bottom. The top was pretty basic, and it was gorgeous.

“Ims, that. is. YOURS.” Melani said, her mouth hanging open at the mannequin in the window.

“You bet!” Imogen’s eyes sparkled and the girls walked into the shop and up to the counter. The lady was looking at a magazine with Indian writing all over it.

“Hello? Do you speak English?” Imogen asked politely.

“Not well. Can help you?” She responded with a sheepish grin. A beautiful Hindi woman walked out from between two racks of clothing.

“I will help you out, I can speak Hindi and English. I am Aishwarya Rai.” She smiled and Emily gasped.

“Oh my gosh, you were Miss World 1994! And you were a brand ambassador for L’Oreal!” The rest of the girls giggled and Aishwarya Rai smiled.

“Yes, I was.” She chuckled, “What did you want to ask her?”

“I was wondering what the price was of the orange Saree on the mannequin over there was...?” Imogen asked and Aishwarya Rai spoke to the lady in Hindi for a few moments.

“She says it’s US$219.50.” She smiled friendlily.

“Hmm... Oh hell, that Saree is SO worth it!” Imogen grinned from ear to ear.


AN: I don’t know how much it is in Rupee’s or anything, so I’m just going to stick to US dollars, and we’ll just have to pretend that the shops they go to only take US dollars or something... Even though I’m Australian... Eeh, US dollars are like, 9 cents more or less than Aussie dollars so... ;)

The websites i’m getting pricing from tell me the prices in US dollars, and I’ve already studied a whole heap for the storyline of the next few chapters... I don’t want to get anything wrong; I’m scared i’ll offend someone or something. Plus, studying is always a good thing, right? :D

We had a math’s test today and I didn’t study so I was lazy and I wrote ‘Rainbow Road’ as one of the answers for something about ‘Name the line that seperates blah blah and blah blah blah angles blah blah...’, and on the front, where it says ‘Mathematics’, I wrote ‘has problems’. Get it? LOL. On the front it has instructions too, so I added a new one; ‘Leave sheet to dry for 30 mins’. LOL, imagine what my teachers gonna think when she sees those things! I did more, like:

‘Name: My name is Ashley

Teacher: and my teacher’s name is Miss Milson.


Yeah. I ACTUALLY wrote that. I feel a detention coming on... :*) REBEL!

I was put in ‘Isolation’ yesterday cuz I wore ballet-flats. Something about not being covered uder the school’s insurance or whatever... heh, I wasn’t listening. I was tired. Isolation was a desk and a chair and COLD WEATHER. OUTSIDE. I swore I caught I cold... Yeah. I would’ve sued ‘em THEN. -...-

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