25) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin bieber....

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“How do you know it’s her sister?”

“Everytime the main character visits that old couple -who i’m pretty sure are her parents- she’s there too.”

“...Um, whoah... That guys a tool.” Justin grimaced, finally understanding.

“Yeah.” Melani’s voice cracked, and Justin wrapped his arms around her.

“Aww... It’s okay, you have me, babe.” Justin rubbed her back. “...Besides, your sister’s way too young for me.” Justin joked and Melani pulled back, slapping him lightly in the arm.

“Just kidding, just kidding!” Justin laughed, “...I love you, Melani.” He gave her a small smile.

“I love you too, Justin.” She smiled back, and pecked him on the lips.


I’m going to change the name of this story to (hopefully) attract more readers... PLEASE comment below, telling me your favorite of the following(remember, more readers=more uploads!):

1. “Falling in love with a teen sensation is a bad thing?” 

2. “My crew and I fell in love with Justin Bieber and his crew... *cue drama*” 

3. “Justin Bieber’s world tour, with added ME!”

4. “Bieber+Love+Melani Starke+Crews+World tour=YEAH MAN!”

5. “Bieber+Love+Melani Starke+Crews+World tour=DRAMA.”

6. “My best friends fell in love with your best friends. God, I love you Justin Bieber...”


Melani awoke, opening one eye at a time. She ran her fingers through her hair and sat upright. Where was Justin? She turned her head, looking around the room, before her eyes lay on a piece of yellow paper and a purple rose.

Wait, PURPLE rose?!

She jumped up and ran over to it, admiring it’s colour. Her favourite. She picked it up and smelt it before reading the note.

“Dear Melly,

I woke up early and decided to get ready, so that you can’t see what I’m wearing - I’m not letting you see my outfit before you show me yours! Meet you in the lobby when you’re ready to go!


Justin xx

P.S: Turns out purple roses are real. huh.”

She giggled at the last part and found her bag with her Saree in it, before following the instructions Aishwarya wrote down for everyone to put it on. When she was finished, she straightened it up in the mirror and put a bindi on her forehead. It was black, and had tiny diamonties around the edges.


The elevator doors slid open and a small ding sounded. Melani stepped out onto the marble floor and spotted Justin sitting in a red armchair, texting away on his blackberry. He was wearing a purple Sherwani and some purple Supra’s. She walked closer to him.

“Lookin’ good, boy...” She giggled and winked at him when he looked up.

(AN: I’ll post a pic of EVERYONE’S outfits in the next chapter so you guys can see :))

Justin saw what Melani was wearing and he jumped up from his seat.

“Whoah, Melly... T-Thaa...” He stuttered.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now