27) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber

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Scooter opened his eyes and drowsily looked at his watch again. FINALLY! The hour was up. He punched Kenny in the shoulder and got out of the spa.
“‘mon, man. Times up.”
“Nyaw man...” Kenny opened his eyes slowly, one at a time.
“Aight, man... I’m up!” Kenny stood and got out of the spa drowsily.
“Were you asleep?!” Scooter chuckled.
“Maybe...” He stretched his arms up above his head and yawned.
“Hurry up and you can sleep in your room.”
“Yay...” Kenny yawned loudly and followed Scooter to the main pool.
“HOUR’S UP, GUYS! ROOM TIME!” Scooter shouted, and Kenny jolted awake.
“Already?! Whoahhh...” Melani’s eyebrows raised, and she shrugged before turning around and getting out of the hug. She grabbed his hand and they swam to the edge, both getting out. Khloe and Chaz must’nt have heard Scooter, because they were the last ones in the pool, and were still making out.
“Khloe! Chaz! Hours up!” Justin yelled from the other side of the pool and Chaz flipped him off. “I guess they’re staying...” Justin tried not to smile. Everyone except for Khloe and Chaz walked into the lobby and collected towels from the front desk. They wrapped them around their shoulders and Scooter pressed the button for the elevator.


“This... is... real, so take a chance and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back!” Melani and Justin screamed along to his iPod whilst jumping on the 2-person bed in their hotel room. They slept in the same bed, but it wasn’t like they were gonna do anything, so Scooter and Kenny were cool with it; but Pattie barely even knew about their relationship...
They’d have to tell her later.
Chaz ran in and glared at them both with crossed arms.
“CAN YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?!” Chaz yelled, slamming the door closed.
“What-ever!” Melani sung in tune with the iPod dock. One of the best things (apart from the pools and resturaunts) about 5-star resorts were all the extra stuff they put in the hotel rooms; iPod docks, Nespresso machines, over-stocked bar fridges... Melani was especially happy about the Nespresso machine; she loved coffee...
“Sorry, he hates Katy Perry... Heh...” Justin smiled apologetically.
“What?! How can he hate Katy Perry?!” Melani’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Justin chuckled and shrugged. He sang along a little quieter, grabbing hold of her hands and swaying them side to side.
“We drove to Cali, and got drunk on the beach, Got a motel and... Built a fort out of sheets... I finally found you, My missing puzzle piece... I‘m complete...” Melani quietly sung along and smiled at Justin. They sung the rest of the song and then U smile came on.
“You have your own songs on your iPod?” Melani giggled, and Justin blushed. “Unyu!!! You’re blushing!”
“Like ‘Aww’, or whatever...” Melani laughed and Justin pulled her closer by her waist. He lifted her up and off the bed. He jumped off as well and wrapped his arms around Melani’s waist again. They begun slow dancing and Melani leant her head on his chest, smiling.

Chaz walked into Khloe’s and his room with slumped shoulders.
“ugh, Katy Perry... Blech.”
“Oh my gosh, I know right?! I’m soooo not a fan! No offense to the actual fans, or whatever, but... y’now.” Khloe laughed nervously and Chaz stood upright.
“You don’t like her either?”
“Meh, I’m not a hater or anything... she’s just not my style...” Khloe smirked.
“Oh...” Chaz got a glint in his eye. “So what is your style, then?” He chuckled sexilly.
“hmm, how bout I show you?” She got up from her seat on the bed and walked over to him. She begun kissing him, but a knock on the door interrupted them.
“Go... away...” Chaz groaned through the kiss.
“‘Mon, dude. Epic concert to attend. Now.” It was Christian.
“Can’t we stay..?” Khloe whined, pulling away for a moment.
“NOP.” They could practically feel him smiling through the door. “We’re gon’ be backstage this time!”
“OOH! Backstage!” Khloe squealed and Chaz sighed.
“Mmkay... We’ll go...”
“Hurrah!” Christian yelled, racing down the hallway. His footsteps made huge thumps as he laughed in triumph.


Khloe high-five Emily and bounced up and down on the couch. They were backstage and were freaking out. They’d never been backstage or anything!
“Seriously, guys? Chillax!” Melani cackled and leaned back against the couch. Suddenly, two hands slammed down on the back of the couch on either side of her head.
“Oh, god... Who gave Chaz the red bull...” Melani groaned and looked at Khloe suspiciously.
“Don’t look at me!” She rose her hands in surrender.
“IT WAS MEEEE!” Christian squealed, running from one side of the room to another, before disappearing into a door.
“Oh, if only I was over 18...” Melani face-palmed.
“Whaat wud ya’ll do den?! Bang JBiebs, I bet!” Chaz cackled and collapsed to the floor. Melani rolled her eyes and leant over the back of the couch to see if he was okay. He was lying in a toothpick-like position, staring up at the roof with a huge grin plastered on his face.
“What the hell, dude?!” Melani raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously, but all he did was twitch his leg and smile wider. She rolled her eyes and begun to turn back around, when she saw Khloe sculling a red bull can.
“KHLOE JADE QUINN, DROP THAT CAN THIS INSTANT!” Melani screeched, and Khloe immediately dropped the can and plastered a grin onto her face identical to Chaz’s.
“OKIE DOKAY!” She giggled.
“Where the heck is Justin? And WHY, oh WHY does he have Red bull back here?! With CHAZ?!” Melani groaned. Just then, Justin walked in and leant against the door frame with a stoned look on his face.
“Oh crap, you too!? AAH!” Melani screeched, and Justin giggled.
“Red bull trastes ike rasberriessseries...” He slurred.
“I repeat; Holyyyyy CRAP.”
“Join us, Mewani!” Emily squealed in a high-pitched voice, and Ryan and Em wrapped their arms around her shoulders and started singing a random song while swaying from side to side. Melani brought her fingers to her temples and sighed.
“I sound like i’ve got a pole up my ass... I gotta loosen up.” She huffed and walked over to the mini-bar near Khloe. She reached into the fridge and pulled out a can of Red bull.


“That’s it! Scooter, no more Red bull for the kids!” Kenny yelled, “This is insane! Chaz is almost passed out on the floor, Khloe’s about to make out with the wall, Ryan, Emily and Em are singing to the pot plants, and Justin and Melani are just standing there... Staring and giggling at each other! I mean, they’re not even talkin- SCOOTER!” Kenny gasped angrily and Scooter turned around with a huge grin on his face and his hands behind his back.
“That’s MY name...” Scooter’s eyes widened and he laughed uncontrollably.
‘Oh heck, if you can’t beat em’, join em’.’ Kenny thought, and grabbed a can of Red bull out of the fridge.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now