57) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“Who was that?” Justin asked, looking over my shoulder. I squealed and jumped, almost dropping my phone.

“Don’t scare me like that!” I laughed, and put my phone in my pocket before standing up and slapping his shoulder lightly. “It was Mason.”

“Sorry, Mels,” He snickered, “And who’s Mason?”

“School friend.”

“You have to many friends; I can’t have enough best friends to fall in love with all of them!” He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. And it was just a freaky-ass, awesome coincidence. That happened to be like, the most convenient coincidence ever.

“Cmon,” He rolled his eyes, “Leggo!” He smiled, and took my hand.





“You ready, Khloe?” Scooter stuck his head into my and Chaz’s hotel room, and I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a violet sequined top and dark purple ripped jeans - Self ripped.

“Yeah.” I breathed.

“Don’t worry, Khloe. If you’re nervous, just remember you’ll probably never see these people again in your lifetime. I mean, how many times are you going to visit Sweden?”

“Yeah.” I took a deep breath, my nerves wearing down a bit. “I guess you’re right. Thanks, Scooter.” I smiled at him, butterflies still faintly stirring in my stomach.

“S’oright, kid. Let’s go.”



“C’mon, Ry! Hurry!” I jumped up and down outside the ensuite door. Oh my god, he spends longer in the bathroom than a supermodel.

“I’m almost done! Gosh, Emily!” Ryan laughed, “Calm down...”

“Calm down?! I am calm!” I pouted and the door opened to reveal Ryan with a sarcastic expression on his face.

“Oh yah. Totally calm, Emily.”

“Well-! One of my best friends just happens to be performing in front of thousands of people tonight!” I defended myself and he looked at me sarcastically again.

“You say that like I don’t know what it’s like.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. ‘Justin does it everyday.’ Why don’t you just make out with him already?” I imitated him and rolled my eyes.

“Because you’re hotter.” He winked at me.

“Well, can’t deny that, but still… It’s Khlo’s first performance. Ever. I haven’t even heard her sing before. So nyeh.” I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

“C’mon, let’s go…” He took my hand and pulled me towards the door.



“YES, you look fine. Great. Amazing. Dashing. Can we go now?” How long did it take to style his freaking hair?! Gosh, I’m starting to wonder which one of us is the girl.

“Oh my god, wait!” He held up a hand and dashed to the mirror again. He swung his head around and flipped it, before running to me and pulling me up from my seat on the bed.

“Can we go now?” I asked.



“Yes.” Christian rolled his eyes.

“Wait, I think I see a stray hair!”


“No, not really. …Let’s go!”





“You nervous?” I asked Khloe, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“Nah… Well, not as much as I was before… I’m okay.

“That’s good!” Emily smiled, not hearing Khloe’s off tone.

“Good luck!” Imogen attacked Khloe in a hug, suffocating my arm.

“Owwie…” I pulled my arm out and laughed.

“Sorry…” Imogen whispered quietly, and grimaced slightly at me. I shook my head dismissively and she pulled out of her and Khloe’s hug.

“I want a drink, who’s coming?” Emily offered, and everyone but Khloe and I went with her.

“What’s up?” I asked once they all left.

“The second song. It’s meant for two people, and I’m scared I’ll stuff it up. It’s really hard to sing a two person song on your own, you know?” Khloe pouted and stared into the distance; a nervous habit of hers.

“Yeah, I know…” I smiled half-heartedly and she looked at me.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She took a deep breath.

“I’m sure you will.” I hugged her shoulders from the side and she smiled nervously.

“Khloe! You’re on in 15! Get dressed and get to hair and makeup!” A random crew member with a headset and a clipboard yelled, and Khloe smiled, turning to leave.


AN: Yes, yet again, not exactly a cliffy. But let’s face it; You wanna know if she stuffs it. You wanna know if she chickens out. You wanna know if the crowd like her. Chyeah, just admit it. ;)


I lahv you awwl,

minus vve homosexuwawlness. ;)


 P.S.: Sooooooooo sorry about the wait! We had an excursion in Drama and they actually laid another fother mucking assignment on us. Or three. -_____-


P.P.P.S.: Kso, the deal with me uploading is, when @Spitting_unicorns comments on this story again. I miss your comments, chickita. ;P And hopefully by that century, i will have 59 written so I may upload 58. ;)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now