9) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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AN: I CAN'T believe I'm up to chapter 9 ALREADY!

Thanks to Little_miss_dream101 who bugged me at school everyday until I uploaded. (The main character "Khloe" was created for her, so if you like my story, you'll LOVE hers!) (I'm Dash in her "private and secret journal" story, so read it...?)

Emily Howilyn was created for my school friend Emily, (I'm not gunna tell you her last name LOL) and I'm not sure whether or not she has a wattpad account, but when/if I find out she does, I'll post her username up here and bug her to write a story so you can read it!

Imogen was created for my friend Alicia (alicia_13). So reading her AMAZING stories would be nice of you, too. ;)


Justin was getting worried about Chaz. He hadn't talked or eaten all day. Soon enough, he'd have to feed him through a tube. Not exactly preferable.

"Can we still go through with it, even though Em isn't here?" "Sure. If Chaz falls for it, and the plan works, him and Em will be broken up. Then the next thing is getting her back to me..." Ryan trailed. He shook it off and wrapped his arm around Khloe's waist, preparing to flaunt her around the lounge room, where the crew was sat, watching a chick flick. They walked into the room together and all eyes were on them.

Emily's heart shattered when he saw Ryan's arm around Khloe's waist, and for a few seconds, her face was unresponsive. As soon as she could move her face again, she scowled at Khloe, a deep hate in her eyes. How could she?! Surely Khloe knew Emily liked Ryan.

Melani glanced around the room, and saw that Chaz and Emily looked completely consumed with jealousy. Emily's anger slowly turned to hurt, and she ran out of the room just as she began to tear up.

"What's up with her?" Ryan asked, oblivious to the wide world around him.

"She LIKES you Ryan, get a clue!" Melani snapped at him and followed Emily out of the hotel room and into Emily's room.


Emily saw only one way to get Ryan. Jealousy. Revenge is a bitch. She saw Christian on the couch, talking to Ryan, and she sat down and smiled at him innocently. When he turned away from Ryan to look at her, she put her hands on either side of his face and he froze as she began to move closer and she kissed him. Ryan stumbled out of the room, comnfused. Emily pulled back when she knew he was out of the room for sure.

"Sorry... I... Kinda need to make Ryan jealous... could you, uh, not tell him for me?" She grimaced.

"Uh... um... Sure..." "Thanks!" Emily smiled. Christian was actually pretty cute... But she liked Ryan better. She stood and begun walking away.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now