11) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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Justin wrapped his arms around Melani's waist from behind and walked with her down the hallway.

"How far now..." He whined, only able to take baby steps because of how close he was to Melani.

"Scooter said your rooms just around the corner..." she trailed and they turned left and found the room Scooter had been talking about. Melani turned the knob and opened the door when suddenly a man jumped out from inside.

"BOO!" he yelled, and Melani screamed and jumped back in shock, bumping into Justin.

"Lil' Twist! Dudeee! You scared my girlfriend!" Justin half-yelled and laughed.

"Sorry, man. I thought you'd be the one opening the door... Hey, since when do you have a girlfriend?" Lil' twist laughed.

"since a few days ago." Justin smiled, and kissed Melani on the cheek.

"Ahh! Dude! No PDA's!" Lil' Twist laughed again and walked down the hallway.

"See ya man!" he called over his shoulder, "Use protection!"

"Ugh, TWIST!" Justin groaned, "You KNOW its not like that!" lil' twist stopped walking and turned around with an evil smile and a glint in his eye.

"Yet..." He gave an evil laugh and dissapeared around the corner.

"Ugh, sorry 'bout that, Mels..." Justin kissed the top of Melani's head.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I just... I think I'm in love with her..." Chaz whispered into the phone. He felt so bad for breaking up with Em, but he couldn't leave it for later. he'd only hurt her more.

"I thought you loved me..." Em sobbed into the phone. Chaz hated hearing Em like this... But he had to. He loved Em, but he loved Khloe like... Like she was the world. It was funny, a few days ago he only thought of Khloe as a good friend. Oh, how jealousy can change his mind...

(AN: LMAO soooo corny! XD)

Khloe felt like the fake relationship wasn't working. Either Chaz was good at hiding jealousy, or he wasn't jealous at all.

"Ryan, I don't think it's working..."

"Just... Keep this up for the rest of the night, then we can break it up, Kay?"

"Mmkay..." Khloe pushed past a few crazy fans to get to their seats. They decided to get seated tickets because the guys always stood at his concerts.

"OMG, that's RYAN BUTLER!" a girl screamed; she was sitting next to the crew. A few other squeals erupted.

"I'm Maddie!" the girl said, and the rest of her friends introduced themselves; Jojo, Nicole and Monique.

Ryan had to admit, Maddie was really hot. So he decided to get her number halfway through the show. Nobody noticed, not even her Bieber-crazed-besties, because they were too caught up in Justin's "dreamy" singing to notice...

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now