41) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin bieber...

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“MELANI!” I looked to where it came from and barely saw him through the crowd; He had tears running down his face and his eyes were red. My heart shattered when I saw him, and he ran towards me. “Melly! Please, PLEASE don’t go!” He grabbed onto my hand and my heart skipped a beat as he pulled me out of the line and into a huge hug. “Please don’t leave me...”

“I-I thought-” My voice broke mid-sentence. You have betrayed me, vocal cords! His face snapped into an expression of recognition.

“No, Melly, no! I’d never think that! I KNOW you love me, and I love you too... You’re my whole world, Starkey.” He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. “I’m never letting you go again, okay?” A tear or two fell from his eyes and I felt tears roll down my own cheeks too.




I led Melani back to the car, and kept my eyes on her the whole time. I was NOT going to let her get out of my sights again. Of course, since I was in a total rush to get my Melly back, I didn’t worry about putting my Ray Bans on. No glasses = Rush of paparazzi. But the constant flashing was not going to distract me from keeping my eyes on Melani. I grabbed her hand and I didn’t care how crazy I would look in the pictures; walking while staring at my girlfriend... I probably had a funny look on my face. Oh well, If I do, then it’ll be my next twitter icon. So long as Melani’s in it. ...I need pictures of us. In frames. And, I think imma start wearing my Jelani tee at least twice a week. We’re gonna be twice as inseperable.


Was I dreaming? Justin had just stopped me from leaving... And, WHOAH, is my brain scrambled. I had no idea where he was taking me, and as he took my hand I lost all brain function. I could barely control my feet as we walked through the food court; it was like they were moving themselves. Somebody remind me to never try and run away again. Flashes appeared in front of my eyes and I had to use all the concentration I had left to figure out that they were in fact actual paparazzi, and not figments of my imagination. I heard a soft thud and the the flashing stopped. I slowly came back to reality and saw that I was in some random car and Justin was sitting next to me in the backseat. The driver turned around and I was greeted by a familiar grin.

“Hey Melly! Oh em gee, we MISSED YOU!” Chaz squealed like a little girl and I giggled.

“I missed you guys too, Chazerella.” I giggled again.

“So you won’t run away again? Ever?”

I turned to Justin and gave a small smile. “Never.”



Chaz ran into the room and I wiped the tears from my face with the already drenched tissue.

“Did you find her?” I looked up at him hopefully and stood up from sitting on the bed when he grinned. I felt relief wash over my body and my heart beat faster. I launched myself towards him and hugged him.

“Yes... She’s here-” He started, but I was already running out in the hallway, about to tackle Melani in a hug. Melani turned around and her eyes widened. She screamed just as I hugged her and made her fall to the ground.


“I can... Tell...” She choked, but I didn’t hug any looser.

“Khloe! Don’t hurt her!” Justin scolded, and tore me away from Melani.

“Dude, just because she’s back does NOT mean I’m not completely and utterly PISSED. At YOU.” I put my hands on my hips and glared.

“I didn’t do anything!” Justin’s brow furrowed and Melani frowned.

“He didn’t, Khloe... But I missed you too!” Melani smiled and attacked me in a hug. “I thought I’d never see you again...” She hugged tighter and I frowned.

“So did I... BUT SERIOUSLY, what happened?!” I jumped out of the hug and my eyes widened.


I explained what happened and Khloe shook her head dissaprovingly.

“You’ll believe anything you hear...” She giggled.

“Will NOT!” I defended myself... Aww hell no. She did not just say that! I pouted and crossed my arms childishly.

“Did you know that ‘Orange’ is ‘Gullible’ spelt backwards?” Justin butted in and I looked at the roof in deep thought... AW HELL NO!

“HEY!” I squealed, and they both laughed at me. “Not cool, dudes...” They just doubled over and laughed harder.

“NOBODY falls for that anymore!” Khloe managed through laughter.

“Shuddup.” I whined and stomped my foot, before storming into my and Justin’s room. Pretending to be more angry than I actually was, I held the doorknob so Justin couldn’t turn it. I heard him unlock the door and felt him struggle to open it.

“C’mon Melly, I’m sorry!” He cried out. I fake sobbed and grinned. This was funny. “Melani?! Mels, please, I just got you back...” I heard him put his forehead and hands against the door and I opened the door, making him stumble. He looked up and saw the grin on my face. He gasped and his jaw dropped in realization and hurt. “Melani! You had me worried...” He frowned and I hugged him.

“I can’t be angry at you, baby...” I cooed, and I felt his shoulders drop and he kissed my head.

“Love you, Melly...”

“Love you too...” I snuggled into the hug and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. But of course, all good things come to an end; A loud banging came from the doorway and Justin and I both jumped, eyes snapping open. I saw Christian and Imogen standing there with pots and pans masking-taped to their bodies and I immediately brought my palm to my forehead.

“Oh my god, dudes... Even a face-palm can’t explain how lame that is.” I groaned, and looked up to see Justin gone, and Christian and Imogen smiling at something down the hallway. “Justin?” I called, and poked my head out into the hall, only to see the door to Christian and Imogen’s hotel room open.

“Yes, babe?!” He yelled, and I heard banging from the room. What the heck was he doing in there?! I walked down the hall and into the room, catching Justin halfway through sticky taping pots and pans to his body.

“Not you too!” I face-palmed again and ‘tisk’ed.

“Heh... Heh...?” He kept eye contact with me as he cut a piece of sticky tape, barely missing his arm.

“Justin! Watch what you’re doing!” I walked closer and grabbed the scissors off of him. Realizing what he had almost done, his mouth turned into a little ‘o’.

“Heh. Oopsies.” He made his neck shorter and smiled guiltily. I looked around the room, but didn’t find what I was looking for. Safety scissors. Y’now, those ones that little kids use?

“We need to buy you some safety scissors...” I murmured, and Justin perked up.

“OH! Can I come?!”

“Yes, Justin, you can come...” My brow furrowed and I shook my head slowly, smiling.

“Like this?!” He grinned, and, well.... Could YOU say no to a Bieber smile?! ...That’s what I thought.

“Fine, but at your own risk...” I shrugged and he fist-pumped.



AN: I’m sorry for being uber slow with posting! :’(

I feel soooooo slack!


But I still love you guys, I really do!

(No HOMO! xxxxx)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now