17) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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*Random Chick's POV*

Christian gasped and jumped out of his bed in shock, a wet patch on his pants. I laughed my head off. -HOW EMBARRASSING!- When he jumped out of his bed, he knocked the water over and it spilt all over the cream-coloured carpet.

"IMOGEN!" he yelled, realizing what she'd made him do. And he wasn't just yelling about the spilt water either! I snorted, and covered my face in embarrassment. I HAD to show EVERYONE this video! Too funny!

*Back to the freaky-weird third-person-POV who stalks the crew*

-y'now what? Imma skip to April... I got NUFFIN...-



Christian was too busy stressing over what Imogen was gonna throw at him to think of anything to do to her, so he asked Ryan for advice.

"Uh... Tack on her stool?"

"DUDE. You're HOPELESS! ...Ugh, never mind... I'll ask Chaz..."

"Mmn hmm..."

Ryan had been seeing -seeing, not dating, APPARENTLY...- Maddie. Emily was still heartbroken. And ignoring Ryan. So now Ryan is in the middle of one of his idiotic dazes where he tries to work out what Emily's problem is. During this time, he is almost completely unresponsive.

Christian burst into Chaz's room, only to catch him making out with Khloe.

"OKEEY! BREAK IT UP! EMERGENCY AT HAND!" They pulled apart in shock.

"Christian!" Khloe whined.

"I REPEAT. EMERRRGENCYYYY!" Christian yelled, and Khloe and Chaz both covered their ears.

"DUDE..." Chaz complained, "Quit yelling already!" He got up and walked towards Christian.

"Need to talk alone." Christian said like a robot. Chaz turned back to Khloe.

"Be RIGHT back, okay?" He winked at her.

"OKAY! Now THAT'S over... Lets talk!" Christian walked out of the room and down the hall, and Chaz followed.

"So. What's up?" Chaz asked.

"Prank ideas. Got any?"

"for who?"


"She blow-dries her hair, right?" They stopped walking and looked at each other.


"Baby powder." Chaz smirked, "Does she eat eggs?"

"Uh..." Christian thought for a moment, "Oh, yeah. Breakfast."

"Glue the eggs into the carton; it's a real messy one." Chaz chuckled and winked.

"Thanks, dude."


"Now go back to making out with Khloe!" He chuckled, "OH! And use protection!" He ran off, laughing.


Imogen had an amazing idea. Why not do NOTHING to Christian? She knew he'd be nervous as hell for the whole day, and when nothing comes out at him for once...

Now THAT'S a prank... MWAHAHA!

She got up from her bed and walked in to the shower. When she was done, she got dressed in the bedroom and walked back into the bathroom and up to the mirror/vanity. She grabbed her comb and combed through her hair a little, before getting out her hair-dryer and plugging it in. She held it up to her hair and flicked the switch, only to be covered in a white powder. She screamed in surprise.

"CHRISTIAN! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, and he burst in. As soon as he saw her, he cracked up.


"Yeah, thanks to you, you dumbshit!" She was really angry, and Christian stopped laughing.

"That was uncalled for, Imogen..." Christian frowned, and Imogen looked down. She couldn't resist that face.

"You're right... I'm sorry Christian, I'm just...pretty upset about having to wash my hair again, you know?"

"It's okay, I guess... You have a reason to be angry... Hey, I could just help you brush it out..." He smiled a small smile as she looked up.

"You'd do that?" She smiled back.

"Yeah, Here." He walked up to her and grabbed a brush from the vanity.

"Sit down." He said, and she walked into the bedroom. She made sure he followed her before sitting down. He sat down and began brushing her hair.

"Thanks for this, Christian..." She smiled, even though he couldn't see it since she was angled away from him.

"Hey, it's okay. It's my fault, anyway... Oh, and April fools!" They both chuckled quietly.


AN: Nyaww, a widdle bwit of womance to -Possibly- end our widdle pwank-war thang we had goin on here... Ain't Christian sweet? :*3

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