50) My best friends fell in love with your best friends...

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“Hey, Selena!” Justin smiled, and my grin widened, if possible. So. Freaking. Hot. …But not everyone in the group had said ‘Hey’ to me; there was a random brunette girl there too.

“Oh, hey! Who’s this?” I looked at her, and then at Justin, who tensed up. As soon as he realized, he quickly pulled himself together, and I pretended not to notice.

“This is Melani. Melani Starke.” He smiled a little but it was fake; I could tell. What the heck was going on…? “Sh-She’s my girlfriend…” He tried to sound as confident as possible, and I felt my heart fall through the floor.

“O-Oh… Hey, Melani.” I smiled as genuinely as possible. I didn’t want to be kicked of the tour, even though I was only going to be performing that night and again two days after.

“Hi…” She said shyly, and I felt jealously spread across my body like wildfire.

AN: Just a quick note, Selena’s a bit of a jealous cow in the story, which, as far as I know, she isn’t in reality. If you don’t like her, fine, but if you don’t like her because of this story… Nononononoooooooo. She’s cool. #Swagg. ;) tee hee!





She tried to hide the jealousy, but I could see it in her eyes. It sounds creepy, but, I’m a girl too; I know what a jealous chicka looks like.


(AN: Yes, I’m skipping a lot, but it’s a whole load of boring pretty much. You deserve the interesting parts… ;])


I grinned as Justin walked into the room with sweat running down his face. He looked really tired, but he had been going crazy on stage; He had put on a real show. After all, it was his last show in Italy. We were actually in Rome this time, and our packed bags were in the tour buses, ready to take us to our next stop. I powerwalked over to him and gave him a massive hug. Everyone wished him small congratulations and when Selena hugged him, I felt a little hint of jealousy. They pulled away and Selena leaned in to whisper in his ear. I was standing on the other side of the room, near Kenny and some other people, but I watched as Justin’s brow furrowed.


“Why don’t we get back together? I’ve missed you, Justin…” Selena whined into my ear.

“Huh?” My brow furrowed, “What? …No. Selena, I’m with Melani…”

“Ugh…” She pulled back with a disgusted expression, “What’s so special about Melani? I don’t get it… I thought you said you loved me, Justy…” She whined again.

“What’s so special about Me- Ugh, Selena, I never said I loved you. I said I ‘Really liked you’.” I narrowed my eyes. She was about to say something about Melani again; I could feel it.

“Big diff-“

“Yes, there is a big difference, Selena. Have you ever even been in love? Like, actual love? I love Melani. I don’t love you. You’re okay as a friend, but at the moment…” I scowled and shook my head as I trailed off.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now