34) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"I'm bored." Emily frowned.

Ryan sat on the kitchen counter next to her. It was a tight squeeze, seeing as though they WERE in a hotel...

"Same. Everyone else is just making out all the time... Maybe..." Ryan started, but Emily finished his sentence.

"Prank them?!" She grinned psychotically.

"...Um, yeah. That." he laughed nervously and Emily giggled evilly, completely clueless.


Ryan had to admit, even SETTING UP pranks was fun.

'What a sad life...' Ryan thought, '...At least I've got Emily...' He smiled at Emily's back as they tip-toed down the silent hall.



"You got the tape, baby?" Ryan muttered under his breath, trying to be as silent as possible as they finally approached Melani and Justin's door to their hotel room. Emily rolled her eyes and looked at Ryan as if to say 'Duh...'. She held up her left hand; two rolls of thick, clear tape were hanging like bracelets around her wrist.

"Who do you think I am?!" She whispered, before winking and taking the rolls off of her wrist.

"God, I love you..." Ryan flashed a small smile and Emily returned it, handing him one roll of tape.

"I love you too," She unraveled some tape, and luckily it was quiet enough not to catch anyone's attention. "...Now get to work." She slapped Ryan's shoulder with the back of her hand and began taping across the doorway.


The tape was set up like a wall; stuck to the door frame, but not touching the actual door. This was gonna be EPIC.

Now to wake up early in the morning and watch like ninjas as the prank is pulled... Mwahahahaha!


"Just got a text from Scooter - weather's bad so we ain't filming till Tomorrow... We have a day off." Justin wrapped his arms around Melani's waist. They were facing each other and the door to the hallway was about a foot away from them; on Melani's right, and Justin's left. He grabbed the doorknob with his left hand and began turning it while staring into Melani's eyes. He opened the door completely, pulling Melani closer and dodging the door when it swung open.

"Did I mention you look amazingly sexy in my old Supr-" Justin began, but was interrupted when he and Melani came into contact with something sticky. He looked over at it without moving. Tape. Ugh, they just got PUNK'D. The tape also decided to detatch itself from the door frame and wrap itself around him and Melani.

"Great." Justin said sarcastically.

"Hey, maybe being stuck together isn't such a bad thi-"

"OH, come ON! We just totally PWNED you BOTH. At the. Same. Time. Can't you at least be like, agro?!" Emily jumped out from behind a pot plant abruptly, causing a small surprised squeal to escape from Melani's lips. "I would say sorry, but, scaring you was funnier than your reaction to a totally EPIC prank." Emily rolled her eyes and poked her tongue out childishly. Ryan emerged from behind the same pot plant and Justin raised an eyebrow.

"You BOTH fit behind that?" He almost couldn't believe it.

"You'd be surprised how we had to be, Uh, "Positioned"... So you's couldn't see us." Ryan chuckled, "Naw, jokes, jokes."

"HA! You SO wish, buuuuddy!" Emily put her hands on her hips and cackled, turning side-on to face Ryan.

"Oh, DO I, now?!" Ryan laughed, and raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Uhm... I gotta feeling w-" Melani started, but was interrupted by Justin, spontaneously singing 'I gotta feeling' by the Black Eyed Peas. Melani rolled her eyes and giggled, eventually joining in. Soon, all four of them were singing along together, in the middle of the hotel hallway. Suddenly, Chaz jumped out of Khloe and his hotel room and started joining in.

"THAT TONIGHT'S GONNA BE A... What?!" The rest of the group stared at him before breaking into a joint snicker. "WhAAAAAt?!"

"Nothing, Chazella, absolutely NOTHING." Melani pried her right arm free from the tape and patted him on the head. "...We just, Uh, weren't... Expecting tha- you, is all." She giggled.



HOWDY! ...I don't have much to say, except for...


Here's to 2011!!! *raises glass*

I'm writing this on the... THIRD, now... Technically. It's 1:42AM. ...Just in case-It's January. I mean, I dunno when I'll be posting this! LMAO!

Love y'all! (no Dumbo!)

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now